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Hold your breath because you're about to read something that might surprise you. Productivity growth in the United States between 1991 and 2001 was reported to be slower than in the first 20 years after World War II. Do you believe? Yes, it's sad, but it's true.

Many brilliant economists are trying to understand why this is the case, whether it's an aging workforce, the relocation of manufacturing to other countries, or other reasons. But one thing stood out like a sore thumb. This thing is the use of mobile electronic devices.

Yes, this may be the reason for our productivity problems. You see, now we're doing things in a new way that's never been seen before. Surveys show that every American spends 20 minutes a day talking on a cell phone or using a mobile device to communicate in other ways. These numbers are just averages.wireless wifi bluetooth jammer

You probably know many different people who have more than 20 minutes of talk time on their phones. In addition to long conversations, there are texting, surfing the web, social media, photo sharing, and more. All of these things take a lot of time to complete. So people doing all these things at work just lose their work time productivity and spend less time and more time chatting.

It's hard to say whether cell phones, smartphones, and other mobile communication devices are good or bad. They are all at the same time. But while they can bring some improvements to our work, we have to think about how to use them in the right way.

This Pandora's box won't close once it's opened, and no one can convince us to give up our smartphones. However, if you are an employer, you want your workers to do the necessary things in a timely manner and with the proper quality. There are many ways to convince people to stop wasting time, but they may not have the effect you want.

Modern network technology provides many conveniences in daily life, but it also introduces certain risk factors. How to solve and reduce the frequency of using mobile phones and other electronic devices, modern technology can solve this problem for you. Just install a wireless wifi signal jammer or cell phone jammer in the work area to prevent all interruptions of cell phone calls. In an emergency, your employees can leave crowded areas at any time and make calls anytime, anywhere.