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Everyone has the same windows for banking, booking and borrowing, and is treated equally with member services. If you’re looking at DVC listings, you are also guaranteed to get your annual points as well as other perks.

Whether you choose to peruse DVC resale listings or directly buy DVC Resale online at DVC, you are already a DVC member!

All of that sounds great, but what are these perks and what is the difference between DVC resale and direct buying? Let’s dive in and find out!

Things included in DVC Resale listings:

  • Same expiration/maintenance as direct buyers
  • Same booking/borrowing windows as direct buyers
  • Option to pool-hop between included resorts
  • Free DVD rentals
  • Access to RCI
  • Exclusive savings benefits that direct members don’t get

Things not included in DVC Resale listings:

  • Annual Pass Discount
  • Dining and merchandising discounts (but these can be added as perks if you get a Disney Chase Visa)
  • Member events
  • You can’t use your points for cruising (who needs this anyway, am I right? :D)
  • Disney owned hotels
  • Concierge services
  • Disney Adventures

What is the difference between DVC Resale listings and Direct buying?

There are three main differences between the two, in my opinion, so let’s break them down:

1.   Costs

This is the key difference between the two. On average, through DVC resale listings, a buyer can save between 10% and 40% compared to direct prices.

If you’re interested, remember that all listing prices for properties are negotiable, so haggle away and make your deal even better!

2.   Availability

When trying to buy directly from Disney, buyers will face a challenge as they will only be able to pick from a limited number of contracts that Disney is offering.

There are upgrades sometimes from buy-backs, however, most often there are only a few available contracts they can offer, and even those are for the newest resorts, meaning that they will be more expensive.

On the other hand, the resale market always has a vast range of listings and DVC resale listings available for all types of buyers.

Contracts are not limited to new properties and include new, old, small and large contracts.

This is much more beneficial as it is easier for all families to adapt to what they need and keep within their budget!

3.   Usability

Similarly to when buying directly from Disney, anyone with DVC contracts from resale listings will have a membership with a certain number of points (allotted each year) and use year.

Resale buyers, purchasing at any of the 14 original Disney resorts, have the same use of points for banking, borrowing and booking as direct buyers. (Unless it’s the Riviera Resort, in which case points can only be used there).

Every user can use their points for the benefits they qualify for which I mentioned in the previous section.

Final words

So! Perusing DVC resale listings seems to be a more beneficial option as it saves more money, and offers most of the privileges that direct buyers have, to resale buyers.

Don’t think that you will never get that dream Disney vacation… just consult a DVC resale expert for more advice and information, and you’ll be well on your way to a holiday!

Original Source: https://teecycle.org/business/whats-the-difference-between-dvc-resale-and-direct-buying/