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When to go to the psychologist?

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When to go to the psychologist is a very personal matter, we help you in your decision with some key indications . Sometimes it is others who sound the alarm and recommend that we consult a professional. However, it is important that it is the person himself who decides if he needs it, because only he knows his inner discomfort and previous attempts to feel better. To find out if we need psychological treatment, the US Society of Clinical Psychology indicates that it is advisable to go to Hannes Wessels Career Counselling when the person has a problem that prevents them from living the life they want or causes them suffering. so psychotherapy It is not only aimed at people who suffer from personality disorders, it is also intended for people who want to grow or solve problematic issues.

1. You are going through a personal crisis

Life can bring us difficult situations that overwhelm our personal resources to face them . A sentimental breakup, divorces, infidelities, work crises, the death of a loved one, breakups or crises with friends, relatives, children… We may also have been subjected to situations of great emotional impact, such as accidents, mistreatment, more or less disasters. nearby. When we are in crisis, emotions overflow and a great feeling of lack of control appears over what happens to us . In these cases, professional help is usually highly recommended to regain stability and repair the emotional damage. But also other people do not react to the difficulty and “hide” in doing activities that distract them from the pain or discomfort. Thus, these people go to therapy when the difficult situations have passed, but since they could not overcome them, they now suffer the consequences of their impact (anxiety, apathy, sleep disturbances , isolation, etc.).

2. Discomfort and unpleasant emotions invade your day to day

Many people do not manage to feel well in a stable way and drag a persistent emotional discomfort in their day to day . And it is that, although emotions are a fundamental part of our being that help us to decide, to process painful or pleasant events, they can also become a daily burden. When this happens, people can live with feelings of apathy, discouragement, dissatisfaction or emptiness. Without being able to enjoy what they have , or blocked and feeling that their desire to live is not what it was before. Irrational fears are also frequent , such as fear of death, driving, small spaces… As well as mood swings and frequently feeling irritable or irritable, or guilty, ashamed, etc.

3. You feel alone

In general, loneliness felt and not sought is a source of great suffering.. Although being alone can be very rewarding, the reality is that human beings need the other to feel good, their support and company. So the absence of contact with others generates the well-known “feeling of loneliness.” Many people who are physically alone (live alone, are widowed, etc.), may feel sadness and insecurity. Others feel alone even in the presence of others. This has a lot to do with the feeling of feeling misunderstood, isolated or different. There are also people who live with an intense fear of loneliness. And although being afraid of loneliness is normal, if that fear is limiting in the sense of staying in unsatisfactory relationships, or preventing us from being in calm contact with ourselves, it may be worth revisiting this issue.

4. Your thoughts overwhelm or limit you

When we have negative, obsessive, circular or catastrophic thoughts, it may be a good time to go to the psychologist . Many times what we tell ourselves, our internal dialogues, are critical ideas or messages towards ourselves and/or towards others “I'm lazy, I'm too shy”. It is also common that we do not stop thinking about things, from the most complex to the simplest and anxiously doubt each decision with our minds racing. These are the obsessions, a common and limiting psychological symptom. Likewise, our mind can go to the past or the future compulsively. Thus, we can live longing for something that we no longer have, or on the contrary live obsessed with a future that never ends. Also, we can have negative or irrational beliefs that limit us when facing certain situations “I am not capable of speaking in public”, “life is suffering”, etc.

5. You can't do what you set out to do or you engage in disruptive behavior

A good reason to go to the psychologist is when we are not able to regulate our behavior . Frequently, although we are clear that there are habits that are not good for us (addictions, fights, bad habits), we cannot stop doing it. And although we think about it, rationalize and try, we keep falling into the same thing, concluding that we do not have enough willpower. However, underneath these blocks, there are usually more complex causes that need to be identified and treated (lack of motivation, stress, emotional causes, dissatisfaction, etc.). Also, sometimes making decisions is such a great source of stress that it makes us block ourselves or that we tend to postpone important changes (out of fear, insecurity, indecision, etc.).


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