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Regardless of age, first-time drivers tend to pay higher car insurance rates because insurance companies include driving experience in your offer.

You can save on first-time car insurance by quoting, choosing the right amount of insurance and looking for discounts.

This paper helps novices buy auto insurance from the following three aspects: how to get auto insurance for the first time; Why new drivers pay more; How do first-time drivers find cheap car insurance

When purchasing auto insurance for the first time, you need to: collect personal and vehicle information; Determine how much insurance you need; Obtain online quotations or cooperate with insurance agents; Compare quotations to ensure you get the best price.

Once you reduce the best rate, you can buy auto insurance online from most insurance companies or work with insurance agents. We suggest you get free auto insurance quotes from many companies to find your best price.

What information do I need when I buy auto insurance for the first time?

When you purchase a quotation, you need to provide some personal information for you and anyone else listed on the policy:

Driver's license, date of birth, address, occupation, marital status, education level, driving history and insurance history.

Some of these information, such as driving history and location, will affect the insurance cost of first-time drivers. You also need detailed information about the vehicle, including the vehicle identification number (VIN), date of purchase and who registered the vehicle. The year, brand and model of your car are also important because they will help you get the best and most accurate insurance policy for new car insurance.

Why do new drivers have to pay more for auto insurance than seasoned drivers?

Many factors affect the cost of car insurance, including location, demographics, driving history and experience. The driving experience is the most important factor in setting auto insurance rates. Experienced drivers will pay far less than new drivers because insurance companies believe they have a lower risk of accidents or claims. How much will more new drivers pay for car insurance?

How do first-time drivers find cheap car insurance?

Drivers can find cheap car insurance if they: shop around and compare insurance rates. Get appropriate insurance.

Shop around

You should get several quotations from several auto insurance companies to determine which company will offer the cheapest insurance quotation for first-time drivers. Although first-time drivers may have higher car insurance quotes than experienced drivers, you can still save money by comparing insurance companies. Different companies use different factors in calculating your rate, and some more well-known insurance companies may not necessarily offer the lowest rate possible.

Obtain appropriate insurance

If you buy more car insurance than you need, you will pay extra to get the insurance you will never use. Although new drivers can compare car insurance online, insurance companies usually recommend a certain degree of insurance. It is important to understand the different types of insurance, the requirements and how much car insurance you really need. Otherwise, you will pay unnecessary expenses out of your own pocket.


We analyzed the quotations of several auto insurance companies. Our sample driver is a 30-year-old woman who drives the Honda Civic in 2022. The driver's liability insurance for injuries is $15000 per person and $30000 for all injuries. The sample driver also has $5000 property damage liability insurance. The only parameter changed is years of driving experience, either zero or 15 years of driving experience.