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If you love adventure and the idea of exploring majestic Himalayan mountain ranges, the Sandakphu Trek must be on your bucket list. Sandakphu lies in eastern India and is the highest mountain in West Bengal. The peak offers panoramic views that include Mount Everest. Kanchenjunga. Makalu. and Lhotse. In this blog, we will examine the Sandakphu Trek and the adventure that was had with Glacier Trek.

Overview of Sandakphu Trek

Sandakphu Trekking takes you to the Singalila National Park, which borders India and Nepal. The trek begins in Manebhanjan – a village located near Darjeeling – and extends for 51 kilometres. The average duration of the trek is 6-7 days. This gives you ample time to absorb the stunning beauty of Himalayan landscapes.

Highlights on the Sandakphu Trek

Sandakphu Trek provides a wide range of highlights to make this an amazing and memorable experience. Here are a few noteworthy aspects:

  • Mountain Views: A stunning panorama of the Himalayan Mountains is a major attraction of the Sandakphu Trek. You can see Mount Everest (the third pole), as well as Kanchenjunga Makalu Lhotse, as you climb Sandakphu. The view of these giants against a backdrop of clear blue skies leaves a lasting memory.
  • Flora and Fauna: Singalila National Park (where the trek takes place) is renowned for its diverse flora. You will be traversing dense forests of rhododendrons, magnolias and oak trees. Enjoy the vibrant colours, fragrances, and smells of this flora. The park has a number of exotic species, including the Himalayan Monal. For birdwatchers or nature enthusiasts, it is a heaven.
  • Unique Cultural Experience: Along the Sandakphu Trek are charming small villages inhabited mainly by Sherpas and Rais. This trek gains a special dimension by interacting with the locals. You can discover their cultures, try local foods, and feel their warm hospitality. This will make your journey more enjoyable.

Sandakphu Trekking with Glacier Trek Adventure

Glacier Trek and Adventure can provide a safe and well-organized Sandakphu Trek. Here's why:

  • Expert Guides and Support: Glacier Trek and Adventure employs a team comprised of highly-skilled trekking guides who are knowledgeable about the intricacies involved in the Sandakphu Trek. The guides ensure your safety while providing valuable insights into the route, the flora & fauna, and the local culture. Support staff can also arrange for all logistics, such as transportation, meals and accommodation.
  • Planned itinerary: Glacier Trek and Adventure have a well-planned itinerary to ensure a blend of trekking and exploration. The itinerary lets you experience the most beautiful sunrises and evenings. You will also get to visit picturesque viewpoints. It is a journey filled with breathtaking views, new adventures and unforgettable experiences.
  • Safety and Sustainability: Glacier Trek and Adventure adheres to strict safety protocols and prioritizes trekkers' safety. They offer essential trekking gear, including high-quality sleeping bags, trekking poles, and tents. The company emphasizes responsible tourism by promoting eco-friendly trekking, sustainability, and sustainable practices.


Sandakphu Trekking offers breathtaking views, diverse fauna and flora, as well as an unforgettable cultural experience. Glacier Trek and Adventure ensure that your trek will be well-planned and memorable, with expert assistance, safety measures and commitment to sustainability. Sandakphu Trek allows you to explore the Himalayas in all its splendor and make memories that can last a lifetime.


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