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Millions of people browse hundreds of websites in search of the services or products they want. Google is the most popular web search engine, which people trust and prefer, and to ensure its position, the Google teams are working hard to provide them with the most effective options possible over SERPs. If you're located in Kolkata and you want to have your site at the top of the results of search results, you must choose the most effective SEO service available in Kolkata.

The question now is: What is SEO, and what exactly is it? Keep reading, and you'll discover the answer to all your questions within this article.

What is SEO?

SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization. It is a process in which the SEO expert works to improve your website's ranking in the most relevant and desired terms. This will increase your website's visibility and is an organic and efficient method of bringing visitors to your website and prospective customers to you and establishing an effective business.

If you receive the SEO services of an expert, the person will definitely be able to monitor the quality and volume of traffic. They will follow up on the thorough analysis of your website and conduct research to rank your site for keywords with greater search volume and have more opportunities to grow your company.

What is the reason SEO important?

In the end, your own website is of no use when you don't hire an SEO professional in Kolkata to help you achieve better Google results.

These are a few motives that could provide clarity, regardless of the size of the company or industry, regarding the reasons why businesses require SEO to propel their company to the next level within the digital world.

  • Increases organic traffic
  • Creates trust and builds credibility
  • Improved user experience
  • More converts
  • Cost-effective

Things to consider when choosing the best SEO firm in Kolkata

It is impossible to be a customer of any business, and prior to transferring the website you have created to a business, it is essential to build confidence in the credibility of the company to ensure your business gets the necessary growth. The main factors you should remember when deciding on the SEO service you choose to include:

  • Experience: The company with which you are referring and the SEO solutions in Kolkata should have solid working experience and be aware of the most recent Google algorithms to help you get your website ranked.
  • Previous work: Clients who the company has worked with and offered SEO services to help improve and grow their business.
  • Current projects: You have to look up the performance of the SEO company you are working with. This will allow you to evaluate the present value of the company as well as the place it is ranked on.
  • Communication Skills: When you speak with an SEO expert, they must be confident about his work. If he is able to reassure you that he is adamant and you are able to trust the person, then you are able to engage that person.


DotCreative offers the top SEO solutions that aid you in achieving the best position achievable in Google in this competitive industry. From competitor analysis to keyword research, content, frame content, and other off-page SEO. The companies provide everything with the best SEO professionals from Kolkata who are skilled, knowledgeable, and proficient with their tasks.


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