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Whether you run, swim, lift weights, take a yoga class or do jumping jacks, any exercise burns calories. However, some workouts are better for burning fat than others.

HIIT exercises help you torch calories and shift your metabolism into fat-burning mode. It's important to include this type of exercise as part of a comprehensive fitness regimen.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

A new workout trend called High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, has exploded in popularity. In fitness studios like Orangetheory and Shred415, in classes at YMCAs and on exercise apps and YouTube, you'll find high-intensity, short-burst workouts that promise to burn fat and get your heart rate up. The workouts may be trendy, but they're also backed by scientific research that shows them to be effective at improving your cardiovascular and metabolic health.

The research on HIIT focuses on the benefits of short bursts of intense activity, which is generally defined as exercise that includes periods of work at higher-than-normal intensity. This type of exercise is usually contrasted with steady-state cardio, or MCT, which is a more traditional workout that takes place at a continuous level of exertion and involves lower levels of intensity, like jogging or walking.

Researchers have found that HIIT workouts can help you lose weight, improve your cardiovascular and metabolic health, and even increase the size of your muscles. They can also help you burn more calories than a traditional workout, and these effects continue after your workout. Despite the increased calories burned, many HIIT workouts take less time than an average MCT session, which makes them a good option for busy people who don't have much spare time.

In a 2014 study, Gibala and his colleagues got a group of overweight and obese sedentary adults to do three 30 minutes HIIT workouts per week, consisting of just three 20-second intervals of fast pedaling on an exercise bike. After just a few weeks, the participants saw significant improvements in their VO2 peak. In comparison, those who did MCT workouts experienced only a slight increase in their VO2 peak.

HIIT can be performed anywhere, and doesn't require any special equipment. Unlike MCT workouts, which can last for an hour or more, most HIIT workouts are just 15-30 minutes long, so you can fit them into your schedule without having to spend a lot of time in the gym.

HIIT is often compared with MCT because both are well-researched and show benefits for health. However, some experts have noted that the differences between HIIT and MCT are not necessarily because of the intervals themselves but rather because of how they're implemented.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular weight loss trends right now. It involves eating a normal diet during an allocated window of time each day, then going hours without food. While it’s still relatively new in the weight loss world, research shows that intermittent fasting is a safe and effective way to lose weight. But how does it work? A body of research led by UIC’s Krista Varady suggests that it works by changing where your energy comes from. Typically, your body runs on sugar, using glucose for fuel and storing whatever it doesn’t use as glycogen in the muscles and liver. However, when you go a long period of time without eating, your body starts to deplete the glycogen stores and turns to fat for fuel instead. This process can result in increased fat burning and faster weight loss, she says.

In animal studies, IF has been shown to reduce insulin resistance and lead to greater weight loss. Similarly, multiple short-term clinical studies suggest that IF can improve markers of cardiometabolic health such as blood pressure and cholesterol. And a new study led by Varady and published in the journal Cell Metabolism found that IF may help prevent nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

When you do eat during your eating window, it’s important not to overdo it with foods high in calories or fat, like junk food, super-sized fried items, and treats, Taylor says. “As with any diet, moderation is key.”

Other benefits of IF are that it increases the production of leptin, which signals your brain that you’re full. It also boosts autophagy, a process that helps clear out cellular debris and slows the aging of cells, Gottfried says.

Another benefit for athletes is that IF can help reduce inflammation. But before you start trying IF, check with your doctor to make sure it's safe for you and that it won't interfere with any medications you take or your training schedule. Also, make sure to eat enough calories when you do eat, especially on days when you're doing a lot of endurance exercise. And when you're considering fitness equipment for your workouts, be sure to explore the Flybird Fitness Promotional Code to save on your purchases and support your athletic goals.


Weightlifting is a type of strength training that involves lifting heavy weights, usually barbells or dumbbells. It is one of the best exercises for burning calories, as it targets large muscle groups. It also increases the metabolism, which burns more calories in the long run. Weightlifting is a great option for anyone looking to lose body fat. It can be done at home, with the use of weight machines at a gym or with free weights. The best weightlifting routine depends on your goals, the equipment and facilities you have available, your age and your level of experience with weights. A physical therapist or trainer can help you choose a safe routine. It's important to start with a low weight, and gradually increase your reps and sets as you get stronger.

The main muscle groups used in Weightlifting are the abdominals, adductor muscles (inner thighs), dorsal muscles (middle back), biceps, triceps, shoulders, wrist extensors, latissimus dorsi (upper back), hamstrings and quadriceps. The muscles are worked in different ways depending on the exercise, but most exercises have a specific form that you should maintain during each repetition. You can also adjust the tempo of each repetition, aiming for high reps with a slow pace or low reps with a fast pace.

A good workout plan includes both aerobic and weight-training exercises. Aerobic exercises, such as jogging or swimming, get your heart rate up, and you will burn many calories in the process. Aim to spend 30 minutes to a hour doing aerobic exercise. Then, complete a few strength-training exercises at the end of your workout. This will ensure that you are not only burning calories, but also preserving your muscles and bone density.

Weightlifting will target your stomach and thighs, areas where most people store excess fat. It is a highly rewarding sport because you can see your progress over time, and every time you lift a heavier weight, you will feel accomplished. You can also incorporate weightlifting into an aerobic workout by adding a short burst of high-intensity exercises, such as sprinting for 3 minutes every 3 minutes when jogging, or by doing one set of squats or arm curls after each aerobic exercise.


Cycling is a popular form of exercise that’s a great option for those who want to lose weight. It’s also an effective way to burn calories and strengthen muscles in the legs, knees, and buttocks. Cycling is a low-impact cardio workout, which means it doesn’t take as much stress on the body as other types of exercise, like running or jumping rope. In addition to being a good way to get in shape, cycling is also a fun activity that allows you to explore your city and connect with nature.

The amount of calories you burn while cycling depends on your current fitness level, weight, and the intensity of the workout. According to the American Council on Exercise, a 150-pound person can expect to burn about 544 calories in an hour of riding at a fast pace. If you’re new to cycling, start with one day of riding each week and gradually increase the number of days that you ride each week.

Riding bikes can help you build endurance, and as you become more fit, you’ll be able to go longer before you feel tired. This type of endurance exercise is also a great way to improve your mental health. It increases the release of endorphins, which can help to lift your mood and make you feel happier and more positive.

Incorporating a few short bursts of sprinting into your cycling workout can help you burn even more calories, says sports physiologist Chris Warloski. When you sprint, your body uses up all the oxygen in its blood vessels, which forces it to draw more from your fat stores for energy. This can also cause a type of exercise-induced fatigue called bonking, which is when you deplete the fuel in your muscles and feel a sudden wave of weakness and exhaustion.

As a bonus, biking is also a low-impact exercise, so it's a good choice for people with joint issues or injuries. However, it's important to cross-train with other exercises that build strength and flexibility in order to maximize the benefits of cycling. And for a well-rounded fitness routine, consider incorporating quality fitness equipment into your workouts. Remember to explore the Fitness Promotional Code to save on your purchases and enhance your overall fitness experience.


the type of exercise that burns the most fat is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest. This type of exercise not only burns more calories during the workout, but also continues to burn calories for hours after the workout is over. However, it is important to remember that any type of exercise is beneficial for overall health and weight loss. Consistency and finding a form of exercise that you enjoy is key to achieving your fitness goals.