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Which is the Dental Emergency in Kitchener?

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Not taking care of your mouth can lead to many problems including bad breath, cavities, gum disease & even tooth loss, etc. Globally, oral health problems affect at least half of the world's population. Of course, more than 3.5 billion people worldwide could have better dental health by following healthy oral care but when you have a dental emergency like sharp-shooting pain in teeth or infection then what will do you?

 The answer is simple – you will contact the Best Dentist in Kitchener like Benton Dental Clinic.

 Stay tuned to this quick guide to know about emergency dental services.

 Different Types of Emergency Dental Services

 Here are the several emergency dental health conditions, you may experience:

  •       Shooting Toothache

 Sudden or shooting toothache creates the urgency of emergency dental services as this may occur suddenly or slowly build over time. Whether it's sharp, sudden, dull, or shooting pain, it occurs in the nerve in the root of a tooth or surrounding the tooth. In this situation, you should not delay in contacting the affordable & Best Dental Emergency in Kitchener – Benton Dental Clinic.

  • A Broken or Fractured Tooth

 A broken or fractured tooth occurs due to age, tooth grinding & other factors. This dental condition is common in children & older people, although anybody can suspect a broken or fractured tooth & the treatment for a cracked tooth depends on where the fractures happen or broken.

  • Frequent Bleeding of Gums


The main cause of bleeding gums is the building of plaque at the gum line & which leads to frequent bleeding of gums. Oral hygiene issues are the primary cause of bleeding gums where gingivitis & periodontitis make your gums sensitive & prone to the build. If you encounter bleeding gums that contact the Affordable & Dental Emergency in Kitchener – Benton Dental Clinic. 

  • Removed Tooth

 Unfortunately, tooth extraction, knocked-off & removed tooth also lead you to visit the dentist in an emergency. To deal with this chronic pain, it is advisable to bring the tooth with you to your emergency appointment ideally within 30 minutes.  

  • Exposed Roots or Nerves

 Exposed roots or nerves are the results of tooth decay which is caused by tooth sensitivity, decay, poor oral hygiene, a diet that is high in sugar & other carbohydrates, or a combination of both. Further, it can lead to gum recession, persistent toothache & exposed roots or nerves which pushes you to take urgent dental treatment. 

 When Should I Visit an Emergency Dental Office?

 If you encounter the above oral health conditions then you need to visit an emergency dental office however the symptoms vary from mild to severe. If these conditions are not properly cured through over-the-counter remedies & toothache becomes intolerable then you should cure the condition by visiting the dental office.

 Who Does Need a Dental Emergency?

 Starting with children, yes children often lead an active lifestyle, physical activities & are at the most risk of sports injuries. Children should see the dentist regularly if they suffer from toothache, treat infection & gum line bleeding, etc. Also, adults between the age of 17 & 25 years may experience wisdom teeth eruption, severe tooth pain, gum line disease, & tooth decay, etc. Apart from children & adults, seniors who have reached their golden years are at the highest risk of dental emergencies such as tooth decay, jaw pain, painful infections, dental implants & tooth roots exposure, etc. 


 Which is the Best & Affordable Dentist in Kitchener?

 If you are struggling with any type of dental emergency or condition then Benton Dental Clinic is just one call away from you. We offer you high-quality preventive care as our dental experts are available to help patients with immediate needs. At Benton Dental Clinic, you will experience painless, smooth & affordable dental treatment of check-ups, cleaning, emergency treatment, gum treatment, white fillings, root canal therapy, crowns & bridges, dentures, porcelain veneers, teeth extraction, wisdom tooth removal, dental implants, sedation & children dentistry, etc. You will find us passionate about preventive care & ensure your & your family's health members maintain good oral health. 


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