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Virtual private servers (VPS) have long been on the ground thanks to their vast characteristics and features. They cater to a wide range of websites and applications since they lie between dedicated and shared web hosting servers. Known for its isolated account environments, a VPS server is suitable for almost every business website. Your website will enjoy countless perks with a VPS due to its superior performance and root access. This post will uncover websites that should be hosted on a VPS server. Keep reading to know more!

Types of Websites Needing VPS Hosting:

Virtual private server web hosting can technically be used for various websites with different purposes. Since it has superior security to shared hosting, most corporate websites are well off with this plan. Moreover, online stores can also utilize this package for better business results. Here is a list of websites that should be hosted on a virtual private server. Let us go through the list quickly!

1. Corporate websites:

We know that corporate websites are often busy, and they require a better capacity for managing traffic volumes. Moreover, these websites need a reliable hosting plan which is more secure than a shared hosting plan. The situation highlights the need for a virtual private server (VPS) for such websites to cater to their varying corporate needs.

Corporate websites are digital brand representations despite offering static content to the audience. Any downtime on such websites means repelling valuable visitors and throwing them into your competitors’ hands. To avoid any damage to your corporate brand image and website, it would be best to purchase a VPS plan from a reliable VPS hosting Dubai company!

2. Educational websites:

An educational website might provide information that can be accessed otherwise (a telephone call to the admin office). However, it is crucial to take care of the restricted login details and other sensitive data on such websites. Students and academic staff can log in to such portals, which should be protected from any cyber-attacks.

A VPS hosting plan can give your educational website the security it needs. Shared hosting is less secure than a VPS server, and hence it makes VPS a better option for such sites. With dedicated IT teams and advanced security plans and plugins, this plan will keep the attackers at a distance.

3. Small business websites:

Small websites often have limited content and traffic with simpler needs and requirements. Small website owners want to avoid unnecessary complexities with other hosting plans since they don’t need them. A VPS hosting plan is what they need to opt for, as it will ensure maximum security and functionality at an affordable price.

Whether you opt for managed or unmanaged VPS hosting, you can get the burden off your shoulders but managed virtual private server is preferable. Owners who are not from a technical background should opt for managed VPS as the dedicated IT team will look after all the technical issues in the server.

4. News websites:

News websites are no different than sites with more web traffic since visitors search for information. The navigational content on such sites attracts more visitors, requiring the maximum capacity to handle a sudden surge. A VPS plan can provide you with this efficacy to deal with traffic surges.

News websites need scaling after a particular period, and a VPS plan can be the best option. Moreover, more news websites are taking the initiative to emerge on content management systems (CMS), making things easier for site owners. With these requirements, it is imperative to buy a VPS plan!

5. Online stores:

Hosting online stores on various web hosting platforms has given fruitful results in recent times. Ecommerce websites require stronger performance channels and reliability combined with secure payment techniques for better results. Customers will only visit well-secure online stores to avoid fraud. Why not make your online store secure with VPS hosting?

When discussing the scalability and performance fronts of an online store, a VPS plan is the best choice. It is in an all-inclusive package that provides more than mere security and performance.

6. Web applications:

Web applications are different from standard websites discussed so far. These apps require more specialized environments and complex resources for operations. A VPS plan offers the tools required in different operations, which drives the developers crazy about this special hosting plan.

Web app owners can fully control the VPS environment and deployment from scratch. No matter how much resource scalability is required, a VPS plan can always cater to your needs.

Launch your site on a secure hosting plan!

Web hosting has been here for a while, and businesses have gradually realized its importance. Consider purchasing hosting plans from reliable web hosting companies for your website! With more security and enhanced performance, these platforms are great energizers for your website performance.