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Why a Bengkung Belly Binder is a Must-Have for New Mothers

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The arrival of a baby into your lives is an exciting time. But while you’re excited to bond with your little one, don’t forget to take the time to look after yourself. Your body is still
recovering from the birth, so don’t push yourself too hard. One of the many things you’ll deal with is a weakened core and midsection. You’ll want to use a belly binder to help
hasten your recovery. Here’s how it helps new mothers like you.

What is a Bengkung belly binder?

A Bengkung belly binder is a type of traditional Malay wrap used for centuries to support women's bodies during their postpartum period. The wrap is made from a long strip of cloth that is wrapped tightly around the midsection and should cover the area below your breasts to your hips. That’s the ideal fit. For the best results, you’ll need to wear the binder for several weeks after giving birth.

Benefits of a Bengkung Belly Binder

1. Provides support for the abdominal muscles
During pregnancy, your abdominal muscles are stretched and weakened to make room for your growing baby. After giving birth, these muscles need time to recover and regain strength. A Bengkung belly binder can provide the support your muscles need to heal properly and prevent further damage.

2. Reduces swelling

Swelling around the midsection is a common postpartum symptom. A Bengkung belly binder can help reduce swelling by compressing the abdominal area and encouraging proper circulation.

3. Helps improve posture

Your posture may have suffered during pregnancy as your center of gravity shifted. A Bengkung belly binder can help realign your spine and improve your posture, which can help prevent back pain and other discomforts.

4. Provides comfort and security

A Bengkung belly binder can help you feel more comfortable and secure as your body adjusts to its postpartum state. The wrap provides a gentle pressure that can feel comforting, and it can also help you feel more confident as you navigate your postpartum recovery.

Why choose a Bengkung belly binder over other types of postpartum belly binders?

1. Breathable fabric
The Bengkung belly binder is made from a breathable fabric, which means you can wear it for extended periods without feeling uncomfortable or overheated.
2. Customizable fit
Because the Bengkung belly binder is made from a long strip of cloth, it can be wrapped and adjusted to fit your body perfectly. This means you can adjust the tightness as your body changes during your postpartum recovery.
3. Versatile use
The Bengkung belly binder can also be used for other purposes, such as providing support for your back during breastfeeding or as a warm compress for menstrual cramps.
4. Cultural significance
The Bengkung belly binder has been used for centuries in Malay culture, and it's seen as a symbol of postpartum care and support. By using a Bengkung belly binder, you're connecting with a rich cultural tradition and taking care of your body at the same time.
When should you start using a Bengkung belly binder?
It's important to wait until after vaginal bleeding has stopped before you begin using a Bengkung belly binder. This can take several weeks after giving birth. You should also check with your healthcare provider to make sure it's safe for you to use a belly binder.



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