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Why Annual Boiler Mechanical Services are Important?

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Boilers serve many purposes in the modern world, be it for business purposes or for household chores. To ensure that the boilers perform at the highest level, taking care of them with Boiler Mechanical Services for maintenance and repair becomes a necessity.

In case you still don't realize the importance of regular maintenance, let us enlighten you with some reasoning.

Reasons Why Annual Boiler Mechanical Services are Essential

Manage Energy Costs

It is no secret that boilers can easily become the most expensive piece of machinery in terms of energy expenses at your facility. Plenty of people complain about the expensive energy bills that flow in during the winter season since the boilers are used significantly more than in the warmer months.

The good thing is that getting your boiler serviced annually can be a great way to cut down the energy costs to manage things in a better manner. Regular maintenance ensures that the boiler performs at the optimal level, helping you to save money. Statistics show that regular maintenance of boilers can save up to 10 percent on energy bills.

If one does the math, the average life span of a boiler is about a decade, meaning that you get to save plenty over the course of 10 years.

Safety First

Regular boiler maintenance can save lives, quite literally, which is one of the major reasons why hiring boiler mechanical services is pretty important. Heat and carbon monoxide are the two major products of a boiler, where carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that can lead to health problems and breathing issues, making it one of the most dangerous machines to have in your home.

In some rare cases, it can even lead to a fire hazard if the boilers are not maintained. Regular servicing makes sure that the boiler performs perfectly and also so that the pipes aren't worn down or damaged in any way.

Money Saving Option

It is a given that regular maintenance with boiler mechanical services not only helps you to save money on buying a new boiler, but it can also help to reduce repair costs in the near future.

Small-scale boiler issues, if not taken care of soon enough, can grow into a bigger problem, which can burn a hole in your pocket. Servicing regularly can help to identify such issues and fix the same with relative ease, further implying that the cost of fixing them would be lesser in comparison to major fixes.

Contrary to this, you will need to bring a boiler technician if major damage has been done, meaning that you have to prepare for a big fat bill.

Increased Boiler Lifespan

Whenever it comes to the life span of a boiler, appropriate care and maintenance can take your boiler the extra mile. Maintaining a boiler properly can make it last up to a decade and a half. It's not everyday that you get a brand new boiler that costs in the 5-digit territory.

So to avoid such expenses every now and then, it is better to take the appropriate preventive measures. Preventative measures can help you save up to 10,000 dollars, which is a good amount of money by any means.

Helps in Complying with the Laws

Usually, business owners and landlords are legally required to keep their boilers working and to make sure that the same receives proper maintenance from boiler mechanical services.

Not only that, there are strict guidelines for boiler maintenance. While natural draft boilers are required to be inspected every year to make sure that they are not producing any more than 100 PPM of CO via the draft hood.

Out of all the reasons why regular boiler maintenance is key, the best one is that it can help you to avoid a hefty fine.

Reduced Boiler Breakdown Chances

Facing the cold winter season in an unheated home can be one of the worst situations. But that can be the case if you don't maintain the boiler for an extensive period of time.

What is even more surprising is that plenty of people are in a rush to get their boilers fixed in the winter season to make their home or building comfortable for friends and family. This calls for the need for regular maintenance since without it, you will be freezing inside your facility, waiting for the boiler technician to come for a respectable complaint.

So, instead of suffering during the long cold nights, regular boiler maintenance can ensure that the boiler will have a smooth sail throughout the season.

Valid Guarantee/Warranty

There are plenty of boilers that offer guarantees and warranties in the market, but most of them require regular boiler maintenance services to ensure that the warranty stays valid. In simpler terms, in case the boiler fails and is not regularly maintained, the guarantee/warranty might become invalid, leaving you to buy a new one.

It is certain that warranties and guarantees also expire after a period, but by servicing the boiler, you will at least be able to fix minor issues, saving some money in the process.

Tips to Increase Boiler Efficiency

Regular Burner Tuning

This is one of the major reasons why the boiler might not be performing efficiently. Not getting the right amount of air can lead to improper fuel combustion. If too little air is present there, the carbon will get oxidized, turning into carbon monoxide.

This decreases the amount of energy released since the fuel doesn't burn completely, further lowering fuel efficiency. Low air can also be responsible for smoke, carbon monoxide, and the generation of soot, which is pretty dangerous.

Valve Insulation

The majority of plants prefer the removal of insulation on valves in the boiler to maintain it in a better way, and then don't put the same thing back again soon. Although, exposing the same valves to air can cause tons of heat loss, making the room unbearably hot. This is where valve insulation can help you to make the boiler room comfortable, while also reducing the risk of burns.

Economizer Installation

Economizers use wasted hot flue gas for heating feed water. In case the steam boiler doesn't have an economizer or if it isn't working properly, installing the same should be at the top of your bucket list. These help in saving fuel, to further prevent the damaging effects of feeding the boiler with cold water. Try to check for the perfect economizer for your boiler to save money.

Variable Frequency Drive Installation

There aren't many burner fans and pumps available without a VFD. In case you haven't heard of the VFD or if you still use a system that doesn't utilize the same, this one is for you. Using a VFD can save you a substantial amount of money, courtesy of the concept known as the affinity laws for pumps and fans.

Chances are that your system is wasting electricity for partial loads if the system has a circulation pump or fan which is being controlled with a valve or a damper.


Boiler mechanical services for maintenance and repair are quiteimportant, now more than ever. As the winter season is just around the corner, taking care of your boiler will only help you to ensure that you and your family are safe from the chills of the season.

