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Did you know that fire is the leading cause of accidental death in Australia? Every year, fire kills more people than floods, storms, and earthquakes combined. That's why it's so important to make sure your business is fire-safe. One way to do this is by conducting a fire audit. This blog post will discuss the importance of fire audits and how they can help protect your business from fire hazards.

How are fire audits conducted?

Fire audits are conducted by fire protection professionals who inspect your business for fire hazards. They will look at things like the layout of your building, the type of materials used in construction, and the fire protection systems in place. They will then make recommendations on how to fix any potential fire hazards. The time allotted for fire audits may take a couple of hours or a few days, depending on the size and complexity of your business.

What are the benefits of conducting a fire audit?

Some benefits of fire audits include:

  1. Improved safety for employees and customers.
  2. Reduced insurance premiums
  3. Identification of fire hazards before they cause damage or injury
  4. Get a fire protection certification for your business

How important is a fire protection certification?

The fire protection certification verifies that your business has implemented fire protection systems and procedures per Australian Standards. Without this certification, you may not be able to obtain insurance or tender for some construction projects. Also, without this certification, your businesses may not be up to code and could face penalties from fire authorities.

So, if you have not yet conducted a fire audit for your business, now is the time to do so! Contact your local fire protection specialist to get started. They will help you identify any fire hazards in your workplace and develop a plan to mitigate these risks.

How much does a fire audit conduction cost?

Cost varies depending on the size and complexity of your business, so it is best to speak with a specialist. Generally speaking, though, fire audits are not expensive and can save you a lot of money in the long run. There is no cost for safety, and you can't spend too much to ensure the safety of your employees, customers and property.

Did you know that fire audits are not just for businesses? Residential properties can also benefit from fire audits. Many homeowners insurance policies require a fire protection certification before issuing coverage. Contact your local fire department to find out more about conducting a fire audit in your home.