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Why dimmer switches are a must in your house

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Dimming your lights has been around since Captain Caveman tried some smooth moves on Mrs Caveman. But provident ambient light to enhance social activities is only one reason why dimmer switches are a must in your house. NDF Electrical are the first choice if you are looking for an electrician in Tweed Heads and here are some more reasons to use dimmer switches.

  • Save Energy/Cost saving
  • With the world taking on a greater shade of green, dimmer switches are an easy way to save on energy. By dimming your lights, you are automatically using less energy and as such your power bill will lower.
  • Environmental Impact
  • Lowering your energy is also a great plus for the environment, less fumes will be emitted from the power plants if less energy is required. Do your part for the environment and have the best electrician in Tweed Heads, NDF Electrical install some dimmer switches in your home.
  • Save your Bulbs.
  • Your bulbs will last longer. Light bulbs only have a finite number of hours of life and by dimming the lights your light bulbs will have less stress and will last longer. Again, saving you money from not having to buy new lightbulbs and also saving the environment as excess bulbs won’t end up in landfill.
  • Ambiance
  • You can change the feel of a house with a few nicely placed dimmer lights. There is a time and a place for full strength intense lighting but when you are trying to set a mood or enhance a feature a dimmer switch will be your best friend. Who would have known that an electrician in Tweed Heads could change the look and feel of your house, only by installing dimmers.
  • Soft lighting = better looking
  • You look better in the cold hard light of day, said no one ever. Soft lighting is the perfect solution for when you are having a bad “face” day. There is no doubt that we all look better with softer lighting so do yourself and your partner a favour and soften the mood with dimmers.


Best rooms and areas around the house for dimmers


There are times and places for harsh lighting and the bathroom is one of them. A lot of personal grooming happens in their so having ample light to avoid personal injury is important. As important is the option to dim the lights and just chill. Pamper yourself with a bath with the lights down low and feel the stress melt away.


This here is a no brainer really. Dimming the lights is a must here, if one partner is sleeping and the other is reading and doesn’t want to disturb them a dimmer is the answer. NDF Electrical is responsible for saving many marriages in Tweed Heads from installing dimmer switches in the master bedroom.

Outdoor Entertaining

Having the flexibility of dimming the lights for your outdoor entertaining area will take your parties or social gatherings to the next level. Accentuating the gardens or features items is one of the ways that a good dimmer can help.


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