1. Health

Why Do Dental Offices Take Blood Pressure Before Cleanings and Treatment?

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You may be asking why your blood pressure was taken during normal cleaning or before dental treatment. Many dentists, particularly oral surgeons, have begun to take their patients' blood pressure as a best practice in recent years. According to one study, Hypertension affects around 30% of Americans and sometimes goes undiagnosed since it is asymptomatic in the majority of instances.  Routine dental cleanings at Gillespie Dentistry are more prevalent for many people than annual physicals and wellness tests at their doctor's office. 

Dental phobia and dental anxiety

Many people suffer from “white coat syndrome,” often known as dentist phobia and dental anxiety. Having someone in your personal space may be nerve-racking, and many individuals are afraid of the unknown. When dentists take your blood pressure while you are sitting in their chair, they can create a baseline of your health or point out any prehypertensive or hypertensive levels to notify you to see your doctor.

Anxiety and worry can cause your blood pressure to rise, so checking sure it's normal and healthy helps the dentist to be aware of any hazards linked with treatment.

Epinephrine is found in local anesthetics.

Epinephrine is an endogenous chemical, which means it is produced by the body and distributed as part of the fight or flight response. Epinephrine raises blood pressure to help the body respond to emergency conditions.

When a dentist in  Charleston Dental Office administers a local anesthetic or numbing lotion containing epinephrine, your blood pressure may rise. Individuals may be put at risk for a medical emergency if a dentist fails to check their blood pressure and utilizes a local anesthetic. Patients who have no symptoms of elevated blood pressure are frequently ignorant. It is critical for our patients that we can give an additional touchpoint for medical safety.

Discomfort can have an impact on body reactions.

Discomfort, such as dental anxiety and dread of the dentist, causes your blood pressure to increase, alerting your body that something is wrong. While this is a natural reaction, it can lead to additional medical problems in people with high blood pressure if they become too uncomfortable or frightened. Creating a baseline as soon as a patient sits in a chair protects their health.

A high blood pressure level may indicate that stress-reduction measures should be implemented.

A simple trip to the dentist can set off a fight or flight response in many patients, which is commonly accompanied by a rise in blood pressure and pulse rate. Elevated blood pressure levels can alert the dentist that stress-reduction techniques should be used to help the patient.

Blood pressure monitoring can help to prevent negative pregnancy outcomes.

In the past, it was typical for pregnant women to avoid visiting the dentist for fear of being harmed by dental operations..So the dentists at Charleston Dental Office are far more likely to have numerous pregnant patients in their clinics at any given moment. Routine blood pressure tests in the dental context can detect the existence of preeclampsia, a very common but dangerous illness that develops during pregnancy and the postpartum period.


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