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For regular games, many of which are already hosted by the public servers listed on Battlelog, you can choose from various servers with varying map sets and game modes. Your workload stays the same. When you play a game on the browse plans from Fatality Servers, you are helping the map makers to keep their project alive, and you are effectively giving them an incentive to make more maps because they know that people are playing them.

The general rule of thumb is that other people will play on it if you make something cool. Often, these people will be the ones putting it out there in the first place; they'll know what to do. Unfortunately, understanding how cool a map is and how people want to play on it is backbreaking work. And many people don't have the time or interest in doing this work themselves. In addition, there are so many maps now and so many players playing them, you can't be everywhere at once. Now you can visit their website to know more about it.

Reasons to Consider Fatality as Main Server –

It's a Community Project

If you choose to play on the Fatality server, you are helping to keep the Fatality map alive and well. In addition, if you were to select your server, hosting is currently at a premium, and there is no guarantee that it will be available in the future.

It Provides a Way of “Signing” Your Content While In-Game

It's always lovely to see your hard work as you play. Unfortunately, if your map is on the public servers, there's no way for other players to identify it as yours. If you choose to play on the Fatality server, all you have to do is type the command /id followed by a unique number made just for you, and your content will be visible in-game to everyone playing Fatality. It can be beneficial if other people want to check out your work while playing.

Fatality Server is Under Moderation

It can be a critical consideration for a lot of people. All maps on the Fatality server have to be submitted to the moderation team for approval before they can be played on the server. Although this process can take some time, it helps ensure that the content you are seeing is of good quality and is met with the Fatality Staff's approval. Maps submitted to the public servers don't require any approval whatsoever, and your work is available immediately, good or bad.

More Content

As many people have noticed, the public servers are getting overloaded with various maps. On the other hand, the Fatality server is currently filled and will almost certainly remain so. Therefore, even if you want to play on a map hosted on the public servers, there is a substantial chance that it is not available on them anymore or has not been recently updated to move over to the Fatality server. These are some significant reasons people consider Browse plans from Fatality Servers as their primary server host, so try to be focused.