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80% of employees today are ready to walk out of their jobs. They don't want to quit because they are underpaid or have insufficient work experience; they are just too stressed to work. 

According to a TELUS International survey, 75% of Americans struggle at work due to anxiety spiked by the pandemic. Additionally, social isolation and work from home culture have affected mental health pretty severely. 

In this situation, if you want your employees to offer 100% dedication and productivity, it would be very beneficial to support them by enrolling them in stress management classes. For your company's and employees' welfare, you have to enhance their stress management skills to work effectively, and most importantly, be healthier and stronger despite all uncertainties. 

With Stress-Away, we follow a very innovative approach to teach employees how to balance their work and home life. We naturally introduce new stress management skills to remote working employees so they can enhance their productivity and wellness. 

So, if you haven't booked stress management classes for your teams yet, here are a few reasons on why you should make this a priority:

Retaining and Acquiring Employees 

As mentioned above, employees are more focused on their wellness than ever before. If the company they work for does not support this, they are more likely to quit their job due to stress. This means, if you want to retain your valuable employees, you have to lift some burden off their shoulders and provide support and understanding in a new way. You have to introduce your current employees to stress management classes to help them feel more relaxed while working. 

Similarly, if your work environment is too stressful, new employees will hesitate to join your organization. Therefore, build a lower stress environment to retain your old employees and acquire new talent. 

Reduce Absenteeism

When people feel anxious and nervous to work remotely, they can't concentrate and always look for a reason to request a leave. If you observe that your remote employees are taking leaves often or joining late for work, it can be due to stress. 

Stress is the main culprit behind absenteeism and work latency. Therefore, you have to fix it by improving the stress management skills of your team. 

Improve Productivity 

It is a simple equation — employees who can manage daily stressors are more productive. If you wish to boost your company's revenue during the global slowdown, you need uninterrupted support from your team. And, your employees can only provide you unconditional support when they are in the right mindset. In short, if you want a productive employee, first work on establishing stress-management solutions for your teams.

Sustains Mental Health 

The fear of isolation, new digital work dynamics, and personal finance problems have triggered many mental disorders among employees. Mental illness can make your team members lethargic, unproductive and dull, which isn't suitable for your company. Thus, it would be best to have stress management classes that can teach your employees to stay mentally strong and motivated despite all odds. 

Build Team Culture 

Stress can trigger anger in many people, leading to disputes and heated arguments among colleagues. If your employees are stressed, you will have to deal with lots of quarrels and conflicts daily. All this can lead to a negative team culture that can impact customer retention and revenue in the end. 

To build a good team culture, you need to give your employees resources to manage stress, which will then foster a positive team culture. 

Stress is like rust that has been damaging company culture, productivity, and efficiency slowly. During the pandemic, its speed has increased along with its impact. That means, if you want your employees to stay productive and effective while working from home, you have to help them before it becomes unmanageable and too late. 

With Stress-Away stress management workshops, your managerial staff will have access to some powerful stress management skills to help employees manage their daily stress at work. For individuals and agencies, we have dynamic stress management webinars at the ready. Book a stress management class for your people today!


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