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Why hair that has turned white or gray can’t go back to its old color

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Your hair turns gray or white when melanin, which makes pigment and is made by melanocyte cells, is lost. These make up the color of your hair and skin. If you don't have much melanin, your hair will be lighter. Gray hair has less melanin than white hair, which has none. 



It's normal for your hair to lose melanin as you get older. In fact, the chances of getting gray hair are thought to go up by up to 20% every decade after you turn 30. Some people start to get gray hairs earlier than others because of their health or their genes. 


There is a lot of wrong information about how to get your natural hair color back once it has turned gray or white. 


Why you can't change the color of your extensions for hair near me for good if it's because of your genes 

Hair is white at its very center. Melanin is what makes your hair the color it is at birth, which is based on your genes. Your hair follicles have the cells that melanin uses to make pigments. These pigments are made from keratins and melanin. 


Loss of melanin in the hair is normal, especially after age 30. The exact rate of hair color loss, though, is mostly set by your genes. If your parents went gray before they should have, it's likely that you will too. 


Despite what people say online and on product ads, you can't stop your hair from going gray if it's because of your genes. 


The hair follicles can't make melanin on their own once they've lost it. As your body makes less melanin, your hair turns gray. When it stops making melanin altogether, your hair turns white. 

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What makes young people get white hair? 


People with darker hair can see white hair better than those with lighter hair. Even though white hair is a sign of getting older, it can happen to anyone at any age, even when you're in high school or college. If you are in your teens or twenties, you might find one or more white hairs. 


There may be techniques to restore pigmentation, depending on the underlying cause. Here are some common reasons why hair turns white too soon. 

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  1. Heredity

How you look has a lot to do with when (or if) you get white hair. If you have white hair at a young age, it's possible that your parents or grandparents also had white hair at a young age. 


Genes can't be changed. But you can always color your hair if you don't like the way your gray hair looks. 




blood pressure too high 

Your hair can also be hurt by stress. A study done in 2013 found that stress causes stem cells in the hair follicles of mice to die off. So, if you've seen more white strands in your hair, stress could be to blame. This theory may also explain why some international leaders appear to age or gray more quickly throughout their terms in office. 


Autoimmune disease 

Early white hair can also be caused by an autoimmune disease. This occurs when the immune system assaults the body's own cells. In alopecia and vitiligo, the immune system can attack hair and make the skin lose color. 



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