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If you're smoking weed, there are two main ways to do it: through a pipe or a joint. But is one better than the other? The answer isn't simple because each has its own pros and cons. It really depends on what kind of smoker you are and how long you're able to spend with your pipe or joint before your buzz wears off. If smoking at home is your thing (and why wouldn't it be?), then bongs might be worth considering as an alternative method. In this article, we'll take a look at the differences between pipes and joints versus bongs, including how they work and why they might be right for you—or not!

Bongs or water pipes are made up of three basic parts.

Bongs or water pipes are made up of three basic parts: the bowl, tube and base. The bowl is where you put your weed; it's usually made of glass or metal. The second part of a bong is called the tube, which acts as a chamber for smoke to travel through before reaching your lungs when inhaled by you or whoever else wants to partake in smoking marijuana out of this particular bong. Finally there's often an additional piece called a “percolator” that filters out extra particles from what would otherwise be an unpleasant experience if they weren't filtered out with such care!

The last part I mentioned above–the percolator–is optional but highly recommended because using one makes sure only clean air gets into your lungs as opposed to dirty air filled with ash particles from burning herbs (or tobacco).

A bong is an effective way to smoke your weed because it cools down the smoke.

A bong is an effective way to smoke your weed because it cools down the smoke. This makes it easier to inhale and also filters out some of the harmful chemicals in weed smoke.

Pipes and joints do not have this same effect on marijuana, so they aren't as effective at getting you high.

The bowl is located at the bottom of the bong and is where you put your weed.

The bowl is where you put your weed. It's usually located at the bottom of the bong, but not always. Some people prefer to use a drop-down herb bowl that attaches directly onto their bong or water pipe, so they don't have to worry about carrying around an extra piece just for their pipe or joint.

The metal and glass used for making bowls comes in all shapes and sizes–but most commonly they're round, square or rectangular with angled edges (like an egg carton).

Water bongs can also come with diffusers, which are small percolators that break up your smoke before it enters the tube.

A diffuser is a percolator that breaks up your smoke before it enters the tube. It can be used to make your smoke more smooth and flavorful, or to cool down its temperature. The latter effect is especially useful if you're trying to avoid burning your lips on hot water!

Sometimes, bongs come with multiple chambers for these percs: one at the top of the bowl, another in between the bowl and mouthpiece (also called an ‘inline' perc), and sometimes even more than that! These multi-chamber devices are great for people who want their hits extra smooth or potent–just remember not to overdo it; otherwise you might end up coughing like crazy!

The carb hole is where you inhale from while using a bong.

The carb hole is where you inhale from while using a bong. The carb can be covered with your finger to stop smoke escaping, and this is where you place your finger when inhaling.

Bongs are great for smoking because they cool off the smoke, but they take some practice to use properly

Bongs are great for smoking because they cool off the smoke, but they take some practice to use properly. The first time you try to use one, it may be difficult. However, once you get the hang of it bongs are easy to use and can make smoking more enjoyable than joints or pipes.


Bongs are a great way to smoke your weed, but they do take some practice to use properly. You can find bongs in all shapes and sizes at your local smoke shop or online retailers at Happy Trail. The main takeaway here is that if you're looking for an alternative way to get high without the harshness of cigarettes or joints then water pipes might be just what you need!