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Your own deed poll serving as proof of your new name may not be accepted by all organizations. Inquire as to whether the business you're working with like your bank would prefer a deed poll.

Change of Name through Deed Poll

A Deed Poll is a written document that commits you to a certain cause of action as of the date of signing. It is most frequently used to signify a desire to change one's name. Statements (i.e., a sworn declaration) you provide in a Deed Poll for a name change

  • Put an end to using your old name.
  • Make careful to use your new name in all of your conversations and to refer to yourself by it at all times.
  • Implementing (or “executing”) a Deed Poll is a rather simple process. You have the choice of working with a lawyer or managing it on your own.

Since an Adult deed poll application typically has the same impact as a deed poll that has not been enrolled, the deed poll need not be immediately enrolled. Only if a deed poll has been “enrolled” with the Central Office of the High Court can some organizations recognize it.

When you fill in an Adult deed poll application in the central office, your change of name will be recorded on a Deed Poll Register, a public record. Enrolling the deed poll also makes sure that a copy of the original enrolled deed poll is available upon request and that a record of the name change is kept for identification purposes. You can legally change your name or the names of your children by using the Deed Poll procedure.

By Deed Poll, you can formally change any part of your name or the entire thing. You can, among other things, change your first and last names, add or remove names, and change the spelling of your names. You are allowed to change your name by Deed Poll as often, whenever, and for whatever reason you like, as long as it is done honestly.

A person's name becomes publicly available when they enroll in a Deed Poll since the London Gazette is notified of the change. The Royal Courts of Justice in London keep records of enrolled deed polls for a period of five years. The National Archives can then be accessed for them.

Whose permission do I need?

If you're married, you must obtain written consent from your partner. You must have the consent in writing of each person who has “parental responsibility” for you if you are a minor.