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Why is Ayurvedic treatment the most effective cure for protein in urine?

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When kidney filters known as Glomeruli become damaged, a high amount of protein can escape from these filters into the urine. This condition is known as proteinuria. An increased level of protein in urine can be an indicator of kidney damage. In some cases, proteinuria is also a sign that a person is at higher risk of developing any kidney problem. Most often, proteinuria is a primary symptom of kidney disease. The best Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine is the most promising cure for proteinuria.

What can cause proteinuria to occur?

Several health complications can cause inflammation or damage to kidney filters. The factors or medical conditions that damage kidney filters are indirectly responsible for persistent proteinuria. However, some problems may also cause increased protein levels in urine such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high protein intake, and dehydration, etc.

A temporarily high protein level in urine is not problematic as it may disappear when its causative factor is eliminated, avoided, or cured. But persistently high protein in urine is problematic and requires proper treatment timely.

What signs can appear in proteinuria?

Having a high protein amount in urine may cause your urine to look foamier or bubblier. Also, when a high protein amount leaks into the urine, the level of protein in the blood gets reduced. Consequently, symptoms like body swelling, puffiness of the face, weakness, or tiredness may appear. Along with that, many other symptoms related to kidney problems can be seen if proteinuria is because of impaired kidney functionality.

Often, patients with proteinuria do not experience any symptoms until the situation worsens. In such cases, only medical tests can help determine this problem.

Tests to determine proteinuria

Firstly, a physician may suggest some tests to check whether high protein levels in urine if temporary or persistent. In the same phase, a dipstick test is conducted to check the level of protein in urine. This test uses some urine samples that are collected from the patients. If the doctor finds any kidney problem-related clue, he may order some other tests to figure out kidney health further.

A kidney functioning test is ordered for the patients, in which mainly some blood tests, Screening tests, and Renal Biopsy may also be conducted further. With these tests, your doctor can confirm if your proteinuria is a sign of a kidney problem.

What is the best way to normalize protein in urine?

Proteinuria treatment requires working on the causative factors behind it. In case of any kidney disease, treatment for repairing kidney health and reviving their functionality are needed. If we look into the modern treatment system, it has some drug-containing medicines, dialysis, and kidney transplant to manage kidney problems. Most of us think that these treatment procedures are the only way to cure kidney diseases but they have many limitations and also complications associated with them. Above all, the modern treatment doesn’t offer a lasting cure as it works on complications instead of the hidden causes of the disease. So, modern treatment can only help manage a problem but can’t offer lasting relief. The same applies in proteinuria treatment as this treatment will directly work on this problem without identifying its causes behind.

On the other hand, if you choose Ayurveda for proteinuria, it can turn out to be the best cure. Ayurveda is a holistic treatment method that acts upon the deep causes of a disease to offer an enduring cure. This ancient treatment primarily determines the causatives for a problem and analysis the body type of a patient. As per the thorough analysis, Ayurvedic treatment prepares a customized Ayurvedic treatment and also suggests some modifications in living accordingly.

In proteinuria treatment, this ancient healing methodology applies the same treatment method and therefore targets its deep causes. If proteinuria is a sign of kidney problems, Ayurveda works to cure kidney problems and reviving kidneys’ health as well as functionality. Once, the kidneys get rejuvenated, they start working well, and thus protein level in urine as well as in blood gets normalized. In this entire treatment process, the best Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine uses herbal medicines, some ancient therapies, and few alterations in lifestyle. Using a personalized set of these healing practices, Ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine makes your kidneys healthy and well-working again and thus sets you free from proteinuria complications.

Choose the best Ayurvedic treatment for protein in the urine to get rid of proteinuria naturally for a lifetime.

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