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Team leaders and employers are always looking for the best venues to book for their corporate parties. That’s because corporate parties for the team is a means of having fun with their colleagues out of the regular stressed workplace, but for employers and team leaders, its another chance to be able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of their team members, and an opportunity where they can train them to work collaboratively.

Very cleverly, such executives plan up a party where there is no workplace schedule, no work, no formal talks, yet it’s no lesser than a teamwork collaboration. They book a venue out of work, they call upon every team member to join in, and then arrange for activities where the team can work collaboratively to achieve some goals; but all of it in a fun manner.

If you are one such witty employer or team leader, looking up for corporate party places in Bangalore, you’re on the right page. Torq03 is a top-notch venue offering unparalleled services to keep both you and your team members happy with your event! With a mixed bag of high-energy team building activities, fun games, exhilarating sports, and personalized F&B services available, Torq03, over the years, has successfully arranged for hundreds of such corporate events!


With a variety of different games that we offer, you can evaluate as well as build some very useful skills, and get the whole team involved, the benefits of which you’ll certainly see back in the office. Let’s give you a small brief on what all we have to offer.

Go Karting

Corporate team racing and head-to-head competition available for your team members, making sure that your team takes back something more than high speed thrills back to the office! Inject some fuel into your corporate engine with our team building karting events. Speed, strategy, and split-second decisions is what our Go Karting plans are about, helping you identify how your team members work under pressure.

Read Full Article: Why Is It The Most Talked — About Corporate Party Place In Bangalore?