1. Health

Why Is Mental Health First Aid As Significant As Physical First Aid?

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Most people are familiar with the concept of physical first aid in the event of an emergency. We are taught how to respond to physical injuries and ailments, from CPR to the Heimlich maneuver. However, many individuals have no idea of how to respond to mental health emergencies or even identify the signs of distress. Here is where mental health first aid is needed.

First Aid for Mental Health: What Is It?
Knowing how to recognize, interpret, and react to indicators of mental illness and drug abuse is known as mental health first aid. Mental health first aid serves as an initial form of support up until expert assistance can be obtained, just like physical first aid. The objective is to make the person in distress feel heard, understood, and supported while simultaneously working to stop the situation from getting worse.

How Essential Is Mental Health First Aid?

One in every four people will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives, according to the World Health Organization. As a result, mental health crises are far more common than many people recognize. Despite this prevalence, there is still a stigma associated with mental health issues that can prevent people from seeking help.

To learn more about mental health first aid and how you can get training, read more


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