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The world changes dramatically when there is a pandemic or if any global epidemic spreads. Now, we are struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic. During this pandemic, our government has made a lot of changes and brought in certain rules. The government brought up certain pandemic precautions and policies with the aim of preventing the spread of the virus. One main element of these policies is that they would decide which agencies can be open during the pandemic. Among these, they had to decide upon the fact that the pest control industry is an essential service even during such situations. 

There are a few reasons that made them take this decision too. Mainly the pest control industry is termed to be essential because of the public’s health as pests can have adverse effects on health. Also, for protecting the food supply pest control is necessary when it comes to the protection of food.

The reasons why pest control is an essential service are:

Public health- As mentioned above, public health is really important, especially in a pandemic. Now, with pests around there can be an increase in the spread of diseases. When already the world is running around hospitals, diseases such as Salmonellosis, Lyme disease, Hantavirus and Encephalitis which require immediate care could not get the proper emergency response. Every year half a million people visit the emergency room for a bee sting or a scorpion sting. Now, in such conditions of the pandemic, treating other diseases and emergencies becomes difficult. Rodent and possum control service can also cause respiratory disorders in children. That is why regarding public health during such difficult times, the government has declared pest control to be essential. This is probably to avoid other diseases in humans. 

Food supply protection- When it comes to the food supply, pest control is very essential. Pests can attack anywhere and any kind of food. Hence, the food must be protected from these pests and that is why pest control is needed. From normal crops to livestock, or warehouses and storage, pests attack food present everywhere. Moths, cockroaches, and rodents are the pests that commonly attack the food. Also, such pests that carry diseases can also contaminate the food leading to disruption of public health. That is why the pest control industry makes sure that food supply is not hindered by protecting food from pests.

Property damage- We all know that pests can damage your belongings and even your property at a high rate. Be it your business, or your home, they can cause damage equally to both structures. Many small pests such as silverfish and carpet beetles survive on your property. For them, food is your upholstery, clothes, blankets, furniture, and whatnot. Even large pests such as rodents chew on your wires and cables, and damage your plastic and wood items. They will not only chew on these items but leave them behind creating a complete mess. Messy houses during these times are a big problem. That is why pest control is important to control property damage.

Peaceful homes- Already your peace of mind is troubled because of the pandemic. If pests seize your peace of mind by creating a nuisance at your home, you ought to get a headache. Even the smallest of pests can cause trouble especially when the whole family is at home due to the pandemic. In such times, you cannot look for the source of pest infestation, you would just need to hire a professional and end of lease pest control services Canberra to get rid of the pests.

So, pest management is really necessary even in such pandemic situations to tackle the problems that pests create. Hence, for a peaceful home and mind and also looking out for people’s mental health, the government has declared pest control to be an essential service.


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