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When it comes to laser cutting, people often think about its precision and the high-quality results it can produce. However, this technology has other benefits that the general public may not as well know. For example, laser cutting is more environmentally friendly than traditional methods of cutting and fabricating materials. Let’s take a closer look at why laser metal cutting is a more sustainable fabrication method.

  1. Uses Less Energy

One of the main reasons why laser cutting is more environmentally friendly is that it uses less energy. Compared to other methods, lasers have a higher level of control. As a result, they require less power to operate and can turn on and off quickly. Contrast this to other methods, such as plasma cutting, that require much energy to maintain a constant arc.

  1. Produces Little Waste

Another reason laser cutting is more environmentally friendly is that it produces very little waste. Laser-cut metal does not leave behind any excess. In contrast, other methods such as waterjet cutting often leave behind a lot of waste material that needs disposal.

  1. Requires Little Maintenance

Laser cutting machines are also very compact. They take up less space and integrate easily into existing manufacturing processes. Additionally, laser cutting machines require very little maintenance and can often run for years without needing any major repairs.

  1. Low-Cost Manufacturing

In addition to being more environmentally friendly, laser metal cutting is also often more cost-effective than other methods. The laser can cut through the material very quickly. As a result, it needs less time to produce the same amount of parts, reducing the overall cost of production.

  1. Doesn’t Use Lubricants

Traditional methods of fabricating metals need lubricants to operate. These lubricants can be harmful if not properly disposed of. However, laser cutting does not require any lubricants, which helps reduce the environmental impact of the process.

  1. Built to Last

Laser cutting machines can last a very long time, with an average life span of about 15 years. Businesses can use them for many years without replacement. Additionally, laser cutting machines often have a very high resale value, which helps offset the initial purchase cost.

Work With Trusted Laser Cutting Services

Overall, laser cutting is a more environmentally friendly option for businesses looking to reduce their impact on the environment. Additionally, laser cutting is often more cost-effective and provides many other benefits that make it attractive for companies. If you are looking for laser cutting in Ontario, work with a trusted and experienced provider. Contact Weldflow Metal Products Ltd. today, and we’ll be happy to assist.


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