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When LinkedIn started, it was just an ordinary site as there are many popular sites available already on the web. But soon it became the most popular site amongst the job seekers and businesses. As it was not just a social site, it was a professional and business networking site. In the present condition, every employee and company is present on LinkedIn.

How does LinkedIn get success? 

In the starting, LinkedIn's founders focused on the people who were experts in their skills and provide a great return on investment. So that they can get more followers to their platform. They hired people who had good experience in networking, managing, and convincing people.

LinkedIn's founders started from the location they knew pretty well. Their initial focus was San Francisco Bay Area as they knew that Silicon Valley and the Bay Area were famous for entrepreneurship and jobs.

They started to attract entrepreneurs to their sites as they knew that once entrepreneurs joined the platform, job seekers and recruiters automatically come to their platform.

Principles they applied to get the success 

Created the professional platform

They did not create the site similar to other social media platforms, they did something different which was not done by any. They build the professional platform to offer business to CEOs, jobs to job seekers, and so on. If we talk about the current scenario, almost everyone is on LinkedIn. 


They build the platform to build the relationship between employees and recruiters. They focused on one main factor that is trust. As we all know, on almost every social media platform people create a fake profile and do scams. But on this platform, you dare to do that.

B2B networking 

This platform is mainly known for B2B opportunities. If you want to create a network for your business, you might be interested to join this platform. You can get connected to the people who take interest in your services, and products. Business personalities conduct deep research on this platform to start the campaign. They Export linkedin contacts to excel to apply the right strategy.

If you are looking for a good opportunity or want to build your business or want to build a brand reputation, you must use this platform to get the advantage of it. This platform provides great business opportunities as well as jobs to the people. After joining this platform, many people found jobs.

This is the platform where everyone tries to help each other to get new jobs, to find out new business opportunities, and so on. But one thing to keep in mind, don't try to scam here or else be ready to get banned. This platform is not available for fake people.

LinkedIn also offers a premium membership, many businesses get this plan to find better and big opportunities.

Want to promote your business, product, or service? Join this platform now!

At the end

All the above-mentioned things make this platform better than its competitors. If you are looking professional platform to build your profile, this is the platform you are looking for!


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