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Mobile applications are here to stay. The dynamics around the globe are changing. Old technologies are being replaced with new disruptive technologies.

The importance of mobile applications cannot be overlooked in any case. Whatever the people or irrational critics may say, mobile apps are here to stay. Mobile app technology has proved its importance over time.

The app technology has passed the test of time and has overcome the initial challenges.

But many think that mobile apps might not be the future. Over time, the role of mobile applications has seeped through the roots of society. Mobile apps have become common everywhere. So before you think a mobile app or Android app development company is going to become obsolete, have a read!

The Ease of Mobile Apps

The ease of using mobile applications is unmatched, and everyone would agree on this. Smartphones have truly revolutionized the way we spend our life. From waking up to falling asleep, mobile apps ease our life in a number of ways.

There are a number of reasons that today, mobile applications are preferred over any other legacy systems. Whether you want to order food or grocery online or there is some need to finalize your interior design, there are mobile applications available on a number of options.

The level of convenience that is added to the lives of many has made this technology stay long-term.

Today, we will discuss why mobile applications are here to stay and aren’t going anywhere any time soon. But before that, a few mobile app statistics would surely come in handy. Let’s have a quick look at them.

The Mind-Blowing Mobile App Stats

The mobile app industry has been one of the most profitable industries around the globe. Mobile applications are used in every sector and make things easier for many.

At the moment, there are around 6,648 billion smartphone users in the world, and by 2026, the number could grow to 7,516 billion smartphone users worldwide. This means the number of smartphone users and mobile app users is the same because everyone having a smartphone uses any app.

The average number of mobile apps installed on an individual’s smartphone, according to Google, are 35. Moreover, Google also tells us that companies with a better mobile-specific strategy are more likely to sell and around 51% of users are more likely to prefer or use any company’s app.

The mobile app revenues have been amazing, and this feat. has attracted a lot of investors and technologists to provide more value to app users around the globe.

If we go a few years back, the global app revenues were around 100 billion U.S. dollars in 2014. By the end of 2021, this number is around 700 billion U.S. dollars, and the industry is expected to hit the 950 billion U.S. dollars mark by 2023.

These are a lot of stats. And mostly, there isn’t anything more convincing than accurate statistics. Everyone knows that, so do you.

Whether you are an Android app development company, an iOS app development company, or a comprehensive technology solutions provider, mobile apps mean a lot.

Now, let’s review some of the top reasons why mobile applications are here to stay in 2022 and beyond.

Top 3 Reasons Why Mobile Apps Are Here to Stay – The 2022 Update

There are numerous reasons why mobile applications will be here for years to come, but surely, a few are better than others. Let’s check out some of the top reasons.

1.      Ultimate Convenience

We understand that mobile websites are great and better than web views. But mobile apps surely have no match when it comes to providing the convenience of use. The user experience of mobile applications is unmatched in a lot of verticals.

Whether it is about using simple features, shifting through screens, performing operations swiftly – mobile apps take the lead in all the other parameters by far. The usability of mobile apps is increased due to various reasons, and convenience is surely on top.

Moreover, the ease and convenience of use of contemporary mobile apps have made the users become addicted to the applications. Whether it is a normal app or a gaming one, the usability factor of a mobile app far surpasses all the others in many regards.

2.      Industry Standard

It might be hard for many to gallop, but mobile apps have become an industry-standard in a number of industries and locations. Whether it is a government that is revolutionizing the conventional processes or an enterprise-level organization managing everything through the app, mobile apps are everywhere now.

More than businesses, mobile applications have now become a part of the lives of the common man. When technology or an aspect of life gets personalized, its value addition becomes incomparable, and that is what mobile apps do.

This reason is probably the most sound and solid reason why mobile applications are going nowhere. They are here to stay because standards don’t change very often. Until some other disruptive technology shakes the floor, mobile apps will be here.

3.      Efficacy & Effectiveness

This point can often not be overlooked. No doubt that mobile applications are highly scalable piece of software. Implementing them might not be the easiest in many cases, but the efficacy and effectiveness of mobile applications are unparalleled.

No matter if you choose an experienced Android app development company for the development of an application or you hire a freelance development team (which is least recommended), the efficiency of mobile apps is imminent in all cases.

When companies yield a maximum output with minimum input or efforts, the productivity levels and efficiency see an automatic surge. This sends positive signals throughout the process, allowing better results.

How to Find a Leading Android App Development Company?

Finding an Android application development company is not the toughest of things but having relevant experience when doing so is a plus. Still, here is a quick checklist if it is your first time doing so.

  • Check out review and rating platforms such as Clutch and Trust Pilot with your relevant search queries
  • Extract the top companies that have a suitable budget range and judge their overall outlook
  • Check for their online reputation, including reviews and ratings, and more on various platforms
  • Review their portfolio and see if they have built the kind of mobile applications that you want
  • Ask for customized quotes without disclosing or revealing your complete mobile application idea

These are some of the checkpoints that you must consider before finalizing the app development company, but surely there are more that you will know as your progress.


Mobile app technology took off in the late 2000s and has not looked back ever since. At the start, there were speculations about whether this technology will be here for long or not or whether it had any bright future prospects.

With time, mobile app development technology has emerged as one of the most promising technologies. Even after ruling the industry for more than 15 years, the industry has bright prospects and is expected to perform exceptionally well in the future.

Those suspecting that mobile app technology isn’t here to stay must have gotten their answer. Mobile app technology is here to stay for the years to come.