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Why My MacBook Goes into Sleep Mode?

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Most of the users' have lots of queries when their MacBook goes on sleep mode for instance, is MacBook is safe during the sleep mode? Is there any security concerns? And what are the tips to manage of sleeping?The questions are valid and it is common to raise such questions, and to get MacBook Air Technical Support for these queries consult experts.

MacBook has had a sleep mode in order to save energy and instantly turning back on for quite for a while. Check out the answers to your questions related to MacBook Sleep Mode, you need to first know that there are three basic sleep modes-

Three different MacBook Sleep Modes-


Here the MacBook's RAM is kept powered on during its sleeping time. This enables the Mac to wake up quickly as there is no a requirement to load anything from the hard drive. This sleep mode is the default for the MacBook desktops.


Hibernation is the mode where the contents of RAM are copied directly to your startup drive once the Mac enters sleep. After the MacBook is sleeping, the power is simply removed from the RAM. Once you wake up the MacBook, then the startup drive writes the data back to the RAM, therefore, wake time is a little slower.

Safe Sleep:

In the Safe Sleep mode the RAM contents are directly copied to the startup drive once the MacBook enters the sleep, nonetheless the RAM remains powered while the Mac is sleeping. Moreover the wake time is the best as the RAM contains the required information. Writing the RAM's contents to the startup drive is a safeguard. Here, battery failure can happen but you can recover your data easily.

What Happens When Your Mac Sleeps?

When the MacBook gets in sleep modes then it executes the following functions-

  • The process will be placed in a low-power state.
  • The video output gets restricted and attaches the displays that will enter the own low-power state if supported.
  • Hard drives and optical media spin down.
  • Power to the RAM memory gets removed.
  • Ethernet port gets disabled; it all depends on the system setting that enables the Ethernet port to respond to a WOL signal.
  • If there are any AirPort functions it gets disabled.

Is Sleep or Safe Sleep Safe?

Yes, MacBook is safe when it asleep as it is when awake. In addition, it can be safer than the network that usually disabled during sleep. Safe sleep is much safer than the normal sleep due to the RAM contents that are first written to the hard drive.

To know more and support, call on Mac Technical Support Phone Number +1-877-708-3372 where you will be supported by the team of experts and professionals who are capable enough to handle and manage all sorts of problems and queries associated with MacBook Air and other Mac models and versions.

View-source: https://bit.ly/1YHXECN