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When people think of web app development, they often think of the most common languages and frameworks such as Python and Ruby on Rails. While these are fine choices and have great results, they’re not the only options available to developers. What if your team wants to build their web application in JavaScript? In that case, you should use Node.js as your framework of choice because it was built on top of JavaScript in the first place and contains all the advantages of using the language. If you want to dive deeper into why Node.js would be an ideal choice for your web app, keep reading to find out more!


Node.js is built on Google's V8 JavaScript engine and has a single-threaded event loop which keeps it lightweight and efficient, making it perfect for high-traffic websites with lots of users. It also offers many useful features that make it an ideal choice for web development, such as its ability to perform non-blocking I/O operations and its easy deployment process that allows you to deploy your app on any server environment (including Windows).


Node.js, an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment based on JavaScript, has become one of the most popular choices in web app development in recent years due to its fast and scalable nature. In comparison to other similar technologies like PHP, Python or Ruby on Rails, Node’s non-blocking I/O model uses a single thread per CPU core rather than running scripts sequentially and synchronously.

Code Readability

Node.js has a number of features that make it an attractive choice for web app development:
– JavaScript as a programming language makes it easy to learn – Event driven architecture and high performance makes it ideal for asynchronous programming, which is used in most web apps – Tailored to support realtime applications by making direct connections to other devices possible

Large Community Support

Node.js has a huge community of developers which makes it easy to find help with common problems and get feedback on your projects from more experienced developers in the community. This means that you'll spend less time googling how to debug a specific problem, and more time actually developing your web app. Plus, developers are constantly coming up with new frameworks and libraries that make your development process easier than ever before – meaning that you'll spend less time writing code and more time making progress on your project.

Module Availability

Node development can be done by an individual developer or a nodejs development company of any size. It also doesn’t need to use MongoDB in order to create a powerful web application. If you plan on using Express for your web application, it does require MongoDB to store session data because of its non-relational structure, but other databases such as MariaDB or PostgreSQL work just as well and might be better suited to your project needs and scale.