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Oman is a country in the Middle East that offers expats a unique and welcoming work culture. If you are looking for an overseas assignment with an interesting culture, Oman may be the perfect destination for you. The locals are warm and friendly, and they place a high value on family and community. At the same time, it is a modern country with all of the conveniences of Western life. In Oman, you can enjoy both traditional culture and modern amenities. This makes for an interesting and rewarding work experience. Read on to learn more about what to expect when working in Oman.

What are employment rules in oman? 

Most employees are paid according to their skills and experience. However, there are some basic employment rights and protections that all workers are entitled to. For example, employees are entitled to at least one day off per week, and they cannot be required to work more than 48 hours per week. Employees are given freedom to  choose their own work schedule, and they are also entitled to at least four weeks of paid vacation per year. If an employee is fired or laid off, they are entitled to severance pay. These are just some of the basic employment rights in Oman.

10 reasons to work in oman 

  1. The cost of living in Oman is relatively low, which means your salary will go further. The salary packages are attractive and hence it is an ideal destination for living and working. 
  2. You can expect to receive good benefits and working conditions if you work in Oman. The medical infrastructure of oman has acclamied apprecaition and hence you can expect one of the best medical facilties in the country.
  3. The climate in Oman is generally warm and dry, making it a pleasant place to live and work. 4.There are various industries of different genres who are looking for talented pool  of Omani workforce. 
  4. You can find work in a number of different sectors in Oman, including oil and gas, construction, banking, tourism and more. 
  5. The economy of Oman is diversified and growing, which means there are plenty of job opportunities available. 
  6. The lifestyle in Oman is relaxed and there are many options  for leisure and recreation. 
  7. Oman is a safe and stable country to live and work in, with a low crime rate and good infrastructure. 
  8. The standard of living in Oman is high, and you can enjoy a good quality of life if you choose to work here. 
  9. If you are looking for job vacancies in oman, please check out Saud Bahwan Group

Saud Bahwan Group is one of the leading business groups in Oman with over 3 decades of experience. The group has a strong presence in different sectors in Oman, including real estate, construction, automotive, tourism and more. Saud Bahwan Group is always looking for talented and ambitious individuals to join their team. If you think you are a right fit for the group, then don't hesitate to apply for job vacancies in oman.


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