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Why prefer Shrink Discs over Keyway Connections?

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Summary: These are the reasons because of which shrink discs are preferred over keyway connections. 

A shrink disc's primary purpose is to frictionally join a shaft and hub in a secure manner. For instance, between a hollow shaft of a transmission and a driving shaft. The shrink disc forces the hub onto the shaft to create a backlash-free connection. Torque transmission is the major function of this relationship. The shrink disc merely supplies the necessary forces; it does not, by itself, transfer any other forces or moments between the shaft and hub. The force flow therefore cannot travel through it. The shrink disc is slipped onto the hollow shaft to attach it, and then the screws are tightened. 

The inner diameter is decreased and the radial pressure is increased by employing conical surfaces. Through the screws, the clamping forces are produced and managed. As a result, the clearance can be directly compensated without overloading. 

Over the course of operation, a frictional connection through a shrink disc provides a safe and backlash-free transmission of torque. With shifting load directions, the shrink disc provides a reliable connection. In contrast, with a keyway connection, shifting load directions can cause abrasion on the contact surfaces, which might result in movement between the components. The keyway and other components may be harmed as a result, which could cause the system to malfunction. A frictional connection guarantees axial fixation of the hub and shaft. Normal conditions do not allow for an axial displacement. 

Additionally, a bending moment can be transmitted through a frictional connection. Frictional connections eliminate the need for additional shaft and hub machining necessary for keyway connections. The cross-section of the shaft and hub is additionally reduced by keyways. For a frictional connection, a cylindrical shaft and hub are necessary, which significantly lowers production costs. Frictional connections, as opposed to keyway connections, can be freely positioned and rotated on the shaft or hub. 

Keyway connections require that the position be precisely established beforehand and that the keyways be built in accordance with that definition. Comparable keyway connections with the same loads can be substantially longer than frictional connections. At the same time, frictional connections' broad circumferential contact surfaces allow them to transmit more torque. 

To highlight the difference, in specific pointers, shrink disc are better because of the following:  

  • Shorter clamping lengths with higher transmittable loads 
  • Free positioning on the hub and shaft 
  • A friction-free connection between the shaft and the hub 
  • Fixation of the shaft and hub axially and absorption of bending forces 
  • A narrower cross section 
  • No further machining of the shaft and hub is required. 
  • Secure absorbing of shifting load directions. 

The list of Shrink Disc Coupling and Keyless Locking Assemblies are mentioned below:  

  • KEYLESS LOCKING ASSEMBLIES – seventeen types, shaft diameter – 6 mm to 700 mm 
  • SHRINK DISC (2- PART) – seven types, shaft diameter – 11 mm to 550 mm 
  • SHRINK DICS (3 – PART) – ten types, shaft diameter – 11 mm to 820 mm 
  • FLANGE COUPLINGS – ten types, shaft diameter – 40 mm to 500 mm 
  • SHAFT COUPLINGS – four types, shaft diameter – 10 mm to 420 mm 
  • HYDRAULIC SHRINK DISC – five types 
  • INDUSTRIAL BUFFER – four types 


Conclusion: The article clearly outline the reasons why it is better to choose shrink disc over keyway connections. So make the right choice while selecting based on your requirements and choose the best manufacturers in India for optimum results.