1. Business

Why RPA is Not a Silver Bullet to All of Your Automation Problems

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As time goes by and new generations move into new workforce positions, and most employees consistently express the desire to work remotely, the need for Robotic Process automation is apparent. The mantra that lives behind most modern companies, even giants like Target and Starbucks, is to work smarter and not harder.

Automation is great for so many things. The main talking points in favor of automation include increased productivity and higher production rates. Automation is fantastic for better use of materials, improved safety, a better quality product, and shorter labor hours for employees, which leads to an uptick in employee satisfaction.

It only makes sense that, as a business owner, you want to cut costs, standardize processes, and minimize errors. However, you might be missing out on all the perks of automation if you’ve invested only in Robotic Process Automation or RPA.


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