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Get instant help if you don’t know why SBCGlobal stopped receiving emails

SBCGlobal email account is a free webmail service used by a number of users across the world. It works on each mobile and internet browser to access using its correct email address and password in an appropriate manner. There are most of the users who consider this webmail account is very simple to share important information through webmail service at any time. But most of the users have complained that they are confronting an error with SBCGlobal that has been stopped working fine and showing an error message is SBCGlobal not receiving email. At this, you have the only option is just to understand the cause of the issue and certainly, understand the simple method to solve this case at the earliest.

Why SBCGlobal stopped receiving emails?

When you receive an error message and you are reading that SBCGlobal not receiving emails when you open your inbox, you are required to first identify the cause of the issue that is most important to scrutinize to receive a presumable solution at the right time.

Cause of the issue:

  • The Internet’s connectivity is not proper.
  • Check mail server settings.
  •  Filter issue.
  • Check if you have blacklisted the sender’s email.
  •  Be sure you are typing a correct email address into the recipient box and so o

Get the solution to fix:

When you are sure that you can have got the proper solution when you see an error message that SBCGlobal not receiving email, you need to make your clear that you are required to do it and you will certainly get the proper solution to receive email from the sender at the particular time certainly. This is a moment when you are required to set up an SBCGlobal email setting to avoid such a kind issue soon.

How do I setup sbcglbal email settings?

If you are trying to setup SBCGlobal email settings due to huge frustrated with Sbcglobal not receiving email, you need to learn the simple trick to complete this task in a good manner and get a solution at a certain time. Let’s get started to fix this issue with the help of making setup email settings with SBCGlobal email account is an effective manner perfectly.

Following are the ways to setup SBCGlobal email settings to fix not receiving email issue promptly:

  • At first, visit the SBCGlobal email account sign-in page and enter the certain email address and password to access.
  • Go to the setting and click on the email account and import button and choose the account option to select the IMAP/SMTP mail server settings.
  • Click on the IMAP or POP mail server and enter the user name and enter the password and click on the Next button.
  • Enter the email address and IMAP or POP server and select the port number to enable 995 IMAP mail servers if it is disabled.
  • Click on the Next button and follow the same process with the SMTP mail server and enter the port number 465 and click on the Next button.
  • Enter the user ID and password to click on the submit button and then press the done button to complete the task at the end.

If you want further help and information to fix Sbcglobal not receiving email, you are always free to contact our tech support team that is available to help you in providing appropriate solution at any time appropriately. 


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