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Why Should Infertile Couples Opt for Surrogacy?

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Having children does not complete the classic family image. Bigamous marriages, spousal neglect, and domestic abuse are all consequences of failure to reproduce for many women. ART solutions have also been sought out by couples concerned about property rights and the continuance of the bloodline because of worries about genetic descendants. When a woman is unable to bear a child due to medical reasons, surrogacy is a godsend. When it comes to having a biological kid, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for such a couple.

What is surrogacy, and why is it so important?

ART Bill 2010 defines surrogacy as an arrangement in which a woman agrees to have an artificial insemination (ART) pregnancy, in which neither she nor her husband's gametes are involved, in order to carry the pregnancy to term and then pass the child over to the intended parents. Commercial or charitable gestational surrogacy is possible (where no money is charged by the surrogate).

Surrogacy is an option for whom, and who can't?

● Obstetrician-deficient women who have functional ovaries

● Pregnant women with medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, auto-immune diseases, renal dysfunction, mental illness, or any other ailment that might deteriorate during pregnancy should be screened for prenatal diagnosis.

● Recurring miscarriages

● Implant failure on a regular basis.

Surrogacy should not be considered for patients who are able to carry a baby to term, according to the ART law of 2010.

Surrogacy may be divided into two major categories: gestational and gestational.

Surrogacy as it has always been done
Artificial insemination using the father's or donor's sperm is carried out in this case. The intended parents' genes will be passed down to the kid.

Surrogacy for the purpose of conceiving a child.
Having a child that is genetically linked to the intended parents is not possible with this approach. If the mother or father cannot generate healthy eggs or sperm, a donor egg or sperm donor is utilized in gestational surrogacy.

Fertility Treatments by Doctors

Medical infertility treatments, often known as assisted reproductive technology (ART), are frequently recommended if fertility medicines fail to help a couple conceive naturally (ART). The optimal medical technique for you will depend on your individual circumstances, but here are some of the most prevalent methods of medical assistance in conception:

1. One of the most well-known ART methods is in vitro fertilization (IVF), which utilizes the sperm and eggs of both partners. Then, in a laboratory dish, the gametes are mixed for conception. It will be implanted in the uterus of the woman when the embryo matures enough to do so. She'll probably have a normal pregnancy when the sperm is successfully implanted.

2. A physician will typically propose intrauterine insemination (IUI) if the harvesting of an egg is not required. To boost the odds of conception, sperm is taken from the male partner, “washed” to eliminate seminal fluid, and then placed directly into the uterine cavity.

3. As part of the IVF procedure, the single sperm injected into an egg is called Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). For male infertility issues, it's typically the best option.

4. Some doctors utilize the “hatching” procedure to boost the chances of an IVF-created embryo implanting in a woman's uterus. This technique makes it simpler for embryos to “hatch” out of particular protein layers and ultimately implant in the uterus.

5. Like IVF, the GIFT method takes egg and sperm from the intended parents and transfers them intrafallopian. This procedure, on the other hand, combines sperm and egg and implants them into the fallopian tube for fertilization rather than in a laboratory dish.

6. A zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) is similar to the GIFT method except the fertilized egg is transferred to the fallopian tube before it is sent to the ovaries.


If an intended parent's egg or sperm is not viable for a healthy embryo-creation procedure, gamete donation may be an option. Even though both parents cannot be genetically linked to the kid, this method allows the intended parents to maintain at least one genetic tie to their child.

Additionally, gamete donation is employed in circumstances when the parent's sperm or eggs are not healthy enough for IVF; lesbian couples require a sperm donation and male couples need an egg donation for same-sex family development (as well as a gestational carrier, which you can read more about below). It is also possible to employ a gamete donation to prevent the transfer of a genetic illness that one or both of the intended parents have. An egg, sperm, or embryo donation is the greatest alternative for persons in these circumstances.

Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre is the topmost trusted with a high success rate IVF Center in Patna and Dr. Rashmi Prasad, an infertility specialist. With a proven track record of success, one of the most cost-effective IVF clinics in Bihar provides world-class IVF treatment for infertility. Bihar's (Patna) fertility center is the state's leading IVF facility because of its cutting-edge technologies and affordable prices.

Due to medical reasons or because a lone guy or gay male couple cannot have children of their own, surrogacy may be an option for these families. After creating an embryo with their own sperm and egg or using a donor, the intended parents implant it into the surrogate's uterus so that she may carry the kid to the term for them. Surrogacy is the ideal option for those who consider that being a parent is more essential than having a baby of their own
If are you suffering from an infertility problem and looking for the best and affordable IVF Specialist Doctor in Patna, Bihar. you should come to the Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Infertility Center. Book an appointment today call now us at 9771038137 / 9798651114 for more information.

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