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Awen Rising is one Adult Fantasy story everyone should read. In it, you will enter a world not too dissimilar to our own. The world has been ravaged by the inevitable destruction of our planet’s ecosystem. Freaky weather conditions have brought society to its knees and threatened the safety of every living being on the surface of the earth. But what lies deep below the surface? Amidst the chaos and destruction, society will soon learn that a race of ferocious lizard people has lived below earth’s surface for millions of years. They have been waiting in secret, biding their time for the perfect moment to make their presence known – and finally, that time has come.

A New Hero Rises

A secret society of Druids has long protected the natural balance of our world. Now their rightful leader is missing, rendering them powerless to defend the surface from the reptilian invaders from the deep. Who will rise up to bring the Druids together? Will it be in time to fight back against this monstrous invasion?

Emily is a young woman who has experienced devastating loss; now, her fiancé has been killed in a strange weather accident. In her darkest hour, Emily finds herself suddenly thrust forth into an unfamiliar world, her destiny inexplicably tied to the fate of the planet itself. What is this mysterious power that lies within Emily? And is it the key to defeating the under-dwelling lizard people before they can conquer our planet? You’ll just have to read Awen Rising by O. J. Barré to find out!

Climate Awareness Meets Fantasy Fiction

You’ve read every tired old trope the fantasy genre has to offer, from dragons to wizards and everything in between. However, Awen Rising by O. J. Barré is no mere fantasy story. This wondrous tale grips you from the very first page, pulling you into a world that questions everything you know about your own. With Awen Rising, O. J. Barré proves to be an expert wordsmith, masterfully tying a fantasy epic into a very important message; our planet is dying. But unlike Barré’s new trilogy, our world’s destiny doesn’t hinge on an ancient prophecy and a chosen savior. It’s up to us to make a difference.

What really makes Awen Rising unique is its ability to make readers look inside and ask themselves what they would do if they were in Emily’s shoes. Would they conquer their past to embrace their destiny or hide behind fear and let devastation rain down upon everyone and everything around them? Awen Rising may be a story full of magic and wonder, but the message it carries is all too human.

Read Awen Rising by O. J. Barré Today

Please order the book here mybook.to/AwenTrilogyLW or from O. J. Barré’s website today. For more information about the author and the Awen Trilogy, follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.