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Warehouse productivity is crucial to any business that stores and distributes goods. Low productivity levels can result in decreased efficiency, increased costs, and a negative impact on customer satisfaction. One of the reasons for low productivity in a warehouse could be an outdated Warehouse Management System (WMS). In this article, we will discuss the signs that indicate it's time to replace your old WMS and how to choose a new one.

Signs it's time to replace your old WMS


  1. Poor inventory accuracy: One of the primary functions of a WMS is to track inventory levels accurately. If your current system cannot do this, upgrading your warehouse, now for this choosing the right warehouse construction companies is a challenge.
  2. Low order accuracy: A Warehouse management system that cannot process orders accurately can result in unhappy customers and increased costs.
  3. Inefficient picking: If your picking process is slow and efficient, it can lead to delays in order fulfilment and increased productivity.
  4. Lack of real-time data: A modern WMS should provide real-time data to help make informed decisions. If your current system lacks this feature, it's time to upgrade. Many warehouse construction companies in India lack this and struggle. 
  5. Incompatibility with other systems: If your WMS is incompatible with other methods, such as ERP or CRM, it can lead to errors, delays, and increased costs.

Choosing a new WMS

  1. Evaluate your current processes: Before choosing a new WMS, evaluate your current processes and identify improvement areas.
  2. Choose a scalable system: Your business may grow, and your WMS should be able to accommodate that growth without needing a complete overhaul.
  3. Consider automation: Automation can help reduce errors and increase productivity. Choose a WMS that allows for the automation of routine tasks such as inventory tracking and order fulfilment.
  4. Look for real-time data capabilities: A modern WMS should provide real-time data to help make informed decisions.
  5. Integration with other systems: Choose a WMS that can integrate with techniques such as ERP and CRM to reduce errors and increase efficiency.
  6. Choose a cloud-based system: A cloud-based WMS can provide real-time data, automatic updates, and scalability without expensive hardware and software.
  7. Look for mobile capabilities: A WMS that provides mobile capabilities can help increase productivity by allowing employees to perform tasks on the go.


Replacing an old WMS can be daunting, but ensuring your warehouse management operates at peak efficiency is necessary. BuildMyinfra can improve warehouse productivity, reduce errors, and increase customer satisfaction by evaluating your current processes, choosing a scalable and automated system that provides real-time data and mobile capabilities, and integrating it with other systems.


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