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Android phones have a huge fanbase; however, as the saying goes, ‘nothing is perfect,’ they do have several setbacks. Many applications come pre-installed on Android phones, but users do not use the same. Not only this, but they encounter many other settings that are useless in a way.

Talking about the average users, they don’t initiate removing unwanted apps, add new ones, and customize their device according to their needs. A few actions require administrator-level permissions, known as root-level access. Therefore, obtaining root-level access opens the further possibility of customizations.

Rooting your Android phone enables you to tweak various settings and enables your device to function as per your preference. However, many users are afraid to do the same.

Below mentioned are the advantages of rooting your Android device. So, let’s get started!

Advantages of Rooting Android

Removing Unnecessary Apps

Manufacturers add various apps that only a fraction of buyers use while remaining unused most of the time. These applications are generally called ‘bloatware’ since they sit as unwanted in Android phones.

Sometimes, the user is permitted to remove these apps without the administrator’s permission; however, the best you’ll be able to do is deactivate the same. If you choose to perform rooting, it’ll allow you to remove the app entirely.

Before rooting your device, it is advised to check the apps you are removing. It is because some apps might be keeping your device functional. Therefore, you don’t want to mess up with that.

Overclocking or Underclocking

When an Android phone gets old, the speed of the device automatically decreases. Therefore, many people follow the concept of ‘overclocking,’ which enables you to force your device to work faster than intended by the manufacturer. Undoubtedly, the speed of the device improves, but it lowers the status of the device and battery.

On the other hand, ‘underclocking’ has the opposite theory. It saves the device health and battery; however, the speed will not be as fast as you desire.

None of the two functionalities are required for a newer device, but the working of some older devices can be improved if accessed through root-level access.

Preferable Customization

One of the best things about owning an Android device is that it’s easily customizable compared to other Operating Systems. Though a lot of aspects don’t require root access, it opens far more possibilities for customizations, especially with third-party apps.

Working with Automation

There are existing automated functions present on your Android phone, but the automation mechanism can be increased with the root-access permissions.

Applications that allow you to set up automated functions are known as ‘Tasker.’  These apps enable you to set a series of tasks that’ll be automated. On the other hand, if you’re granted root-access permissions, customizations can be automated as well.

Improved Backups

It is one essential step to keep your data backed up because you can’t lose so much information stored on your device. Though there are standard tools available for backing up data, these tools can limit the information you can back up. Therefore, it is better to create a backup using root-access as it enables you to completely backup your data, from apps to preferences.

Fine Battery Life

No matter how much you customize or advance your Android device, it won’t be useful if the battery life is terrible. On the other hand, certain applications that you can’t avoid using drains a lot of battery.

Fortunately, you can use apps like Greenify to keep control over such battery-draining apps. The application analyses the battery usage and lets you put unused apps to pause.

Rooting the device enables the shackles for your gadget to fall off to an enormous degree. It is a strategy to get significantly more out of its capacities. It has been discovered that the devices we utilize each day are unquestionably more remarkable than the restriction with which typical users are subjected.

The Android OS approves of rooting and use of applications to administrative users. However, it’s the makers who look to bolt a portion of these away.

Source  :-  https://webroot-safe.merater.com/why-should-you-root-your-android-phone/