Why Social Media Marketing Is Important For Dental Practices?

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If you are a dentist looking to know about the importance and benefits of social media marketing for your practice, this guide can help you.

The dental industry is worth $156.4 billion, but if your dental practice wants a piece of the profit, it is crucial to have a social media marketing plan. This guide can help you to learn about the importance and benefits of social media marketing.

Social media marketing for dentists: Why is it important?

The approach to social media marketing is different for the dental industry compared to others. While clothing and accessories stores or restaurants need to convince people that what they are selling is worth their money, dentists don’t need to do it.

All you have to do is highlight why oral care is essential for your health, the ways to care for your oral hygiene, and the available treatments for dental problems.

Everyone knows they need to visit a dentist when struggling with dental problems. However, the biggest challenge for dentists is to get their patients to visit them regularly. Plus, most people struggle with anxiety and fear, associating their dental visit with pain and embarrassment.

Focus on establishing a dental practice everyone can rely on by building a trusting relationship with your patients.

Social media is one of the best ways to gain the trust of your audience, for which you need to convince them that you can deliver a pain-free and hassle-free dental experience.  

Through social media, you can help patients feel comfortable even before they visit your dental clinic. Display your authority, track record, and expertise through your social media to let patients know that they’re in safe hands.

You can remove some stigma around visiting a dentist by sharing fun and light-hearted content. Users will look forward to your social media space and consider it as a reliable source of information. 

Social media is a powerful tool that can help you to show everyone that your dental practice is not just about teeth but a wholesome and comfortable experience for the patients. 

Benefits of social media marketing for dentists.

No matter what state-of-the-art technology you use or how experienced staff you have, you can’t get enough business if patients don’t know about your dental practice. Social media marketing can do the trick for your dental business

Many social media networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn are where dental practices can connect with their potential leads and convert them into patients. These networks help you to increase your online footprint so that patients can find you.

Here are some of the benefits of social media marketing for dental practices.

1. Helps establish better relationships.

Most people consider going to a dentist to be a scary experience. In fact, some people are so scared that they keep putting off their dental appointments. Dentists can find it more challenging to attract such patients to their clinics. 

Social media allows you to build a relationship with your audience when you share quality content with them.

Patient testimonials, your dental clinic's setup, dental procedure results, informative videos, and infographics on oral care can help build brand awareness and engage social media users.

Responding to comments on your social media is also an integral part of building relationships with your audience. It shows that you are there to help. As simple as re-sharing someone’s social media post when they mention your page helps build a positive relationship.

2. A valuable channel to get more patients.

People turn to Google for almost everything, especially when it comes to their health. More than half of the US population uses a search engine to find a dentist. According to a survey, 15% of people say that their number one reason for not booking a dental appointment is due to trouble finding an office. 

Patients research and look up social media as well before visiting a dentist. If they don’t find you there, your practice does not exist for them. 75% of people admitted to purchasing a product or service after they saw it on social media. 

Your active social media presence and content sharing can make you a credible source of information for patients.

3. Showcases your leadership and expertise. 

Social media means it’s easy to spread information about your dental practice and make it go viral. By constantly sharing informative content in the form of images and videos, you can showcase your expertise. 

You can also post industry updates and new advancements in your field of specialty to keep your followers and social media users informed. Imperial Dental Center uses social media to showcase professionalism by sharing industry content.

When you have proof to back up your claims, patients can easily trust you. This is the reason why becoming an industry leader and showcasing it on social media is so important. Not only do you get the attention of potential patients but also of the peers in your field.


There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to marketing. It is a process that requires your attention, planning, and patience. Though, social media marketing tools like Practina can make it a lot easier for you.

The Practina app allows you to manage your social media marketing anytime from anywhere in the world.

You don’t have to worry about coming up with content every time once you automate your social media with Practina.

To boost your dental social media marketing, download the Practina app today and create your free account.

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