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Solar power installation is a good idea in times of high oil prices. Solar is becoming more and more popular as the technology improves and installation costs go down. Not only does solar power help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, but it also helps businesses save money on their energy bills. This blog post will discuss the benefits of solar power installations and how they can help your business save money during these turbulent times.

How can solar panels help in the oil crisis? 

Solar panels can help reduce the demand for oil and gas, which can help stabilise prices. Solar power is a renewable resource that doesn't require fossil fuels to generate electricity. As more businesses and homeowners switch to solar, we will gradually lessen our dependence on oil and gas. Solar power is also becoming increasingly cost-effective.

How much are oil prices as of 2022? 

As of January 2022, the average oil price was $85 per barrel. This is a significant increase from the average price in 2020, which was $40 per barrel. Solar installation can help protect your business from these rising costs. After the war in Ukraine, oil prices continued to rise. As of March 2022, the oil price per barrel is now  $105.

Solar power is a free and renewable resource that can help ease the burden of rising oil prices. Solar installations are becoming more popular and cost-effective, making them an excellent option for businesses and homeowners alike. Don’t wait until oil prices are higher to switch to solar – start saving money today.

How much is a solar panel system?

Solar panel systems typically cost between $15,000 and $40,000. The price will depend on the size of the system, your location, and the type of panels you choose. Solar rebates and tax credits can help offset the cost of a solar panel system, making it more affordable. The typical investment return (ROI) for a solar panel system is between four and eight years.

How much money will I save with solar?

Solar power installations can help you save money on your electric bill and even eliminate it. In addition, solar panels increase the value of your home by an average of $15,000. Solar panels are a great way of reducing energy costs by diverting customer reliance on fossil fuels and natural gases.  Solar power is a renewable and sustainable resource, which means it won’t run out or produce harmful emissions. Solar panels are low maintenance, and their lifespan is 20 to 25 years.