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Monday, April 15, 2024, is a big day. It’s Tax Day in America. While many folks have likely already filed and gotten everything squared away, others have been putting off the inevitable. For some, it can be a tense day—even if they don’t owe. It can come down to making the deadline.

Why not lighten the mood at work with a Tax Day lunch? Tax Day can be a great day to put in an order with your favorite local caterer (or to try something new). You can order sandwich catering for the office as a way to take their minds off the day.

Of course, there are all kinds of reasons to order catering on Tax Day. Another reason is that it’s Monday, and you may have a few stripey orange cats on your team who could use a little perking up.

Take Their Minds Off Tax Day with Lunch

This can easily be one of the biggest reasons to order team lunch on Tax Day. Team members may have other things on their minds—like filing on time—and lunch can help take their minds off the looming deadline.

While lunch is no cure for procrastination, there’s something relieving about it. It’s one less thing to think about or worry over as the deadline creeps closer. And it’s not “having lunch” that can help take their minds off the day—it’s having a good lunch.

Catered lunch can hit differently than going out to lunch or packing lunch. There are a lot of great caterers out there who have their craft down pat. From sandwiches to Southern classics, the hard part might just be choosing what to get on Tax Day.

It’s a Monday

Tax Day falls on a Monday. At offices and workplaces across the country, people often have mixed feelings on Mondays. Some wish it were another day of the weekend, while others may just want to hop into their work and get things done.

No matter where you fall on the Monday spectrum, one way to bring people together on a Monday—and Tax Day, in this case—is a catered lunch. Team lunch can be a great way to bring the team together in unison. Some companies use team lunch as a bonding tool—a way to strengthen their teams from within.

If you’ve been looking for a solid way to bring your team together and strengthen bonds between team members, departments, and the company as a whole, a team lunch can be one way to accomplish that.

It’s Time to Celebrate

Tax Day only comes once a year, right? Why not celebrate it? Well, maybe call it a celebration of the team. While doing taxes can be taxing, your team may have crushed Q1. April 15 is just a couple of weeks into Q2, but you likely have some perspective on how well Q1 went.

If things went well, why not celebrate that fact? Why not put your team on a pedestal, order from a top Portland catering provider, and let your team know how much they’re appreciated? This can go a long way in not only strengthening your team but it can also foster stronger company morale, which can lead to long-term gains in productivity and overall success.

About ezCater

ezCater is here to help connect you or your business with top-rated, local food options. ezCater is a web-based catering platform. The company started as a way to help medical sales reps find quality catering for sales meetings all over the country. Today, ezCater serves businesses of all kinds. Whether you’re searching for lunch catering for the team or need corporate catering for the entire company, ezCater can help. ezCater is available in every state and has over 100,000 catering partners coast-to-coast. You can order top Cincinnati catering for today’s lunch or put in an order for catering Dallas corporate events ahead of time. With ezCater, you get access to flexible, reliable order tools, and plenty of food options to satisfy any team!

Put in your Tax Day team lunch order at https://www.ezcater.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/4aixB05

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