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Why Tea Is Better Than Coffee?

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Tea and Coffee are both popular drinks in the world. Every day, millions of people drink them. Both are popular choices for people who need a quick pick-me-up because they taste good and give you energy. Do you like Tea more than Coffee? Or does it go the other way? Many people have different opinions on which is better for our health. Premium Tea Box is good for your health, while Coffee is often praised for making you more alert and sharpening your mind.

Benefits Of Tea

Immune System

Tea also has anti-inflammatory qualities that help reduce inflammation and support immune function. Antioxidants shield the body from free radical damage, which can impair immune system function. Also, Healthy Loose Leaf Tea has vitamins and minerals that help the nervous system work better, like vitamins C, E, and zinc. These nutrients help immune cells, which are in charge of protecting the body from illnesses and diseases, make and work better.

Reduced Stress

After six weeks of drinking Tea, there is less cortisol in the body after a stressful event, and people feel more relaxed. For example, antioxidants and catechins in green Tea have made people feel less stressed and sad. Aside from that, making and drinking Tea can be a soothing routine. Taking the time to make a cup of Tea and enjoy the smell and taste of it can help you relax and feel less stressed.

Durable Energy Boost

After six weeks of drinking Tea, there is less cortisol in the body after a stressful event, and people feel more relaxed. For example, antioxidants and catechins in green Tea have made people feel less stressed and sad. Aside from that, making and drinking Tea can be a soothing routine. Taking the time to make a cup of Tea and enjoy the smell and taste of it can help you relax and feel less stressed.

Reduced Risk Of Cancer

Even though there isn't strong proof that Tea can help treat cancer, green Tea does have chemicals called polyphenols. These are antioxidants that may help stop free radicals from damaging DNA. Some people think Tea can help avoid or cure cancer because of this. Some studies have shown that polyphenols in Tea can stop cancer cells from growing. However, tests on people have had mixed results.

Hydrate The Body

Even though Coffee can do the same thing, Tea has the extra benefit of being mostly just water with a nice tea flavour. This means that when it's a scorching hot summer day, it's much better to sip some Tea Sampler, hot or cold, as it will replace any fluids you've lost through sweating. Also, it's good for your face and helps it get wet faster.

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