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In addition to other light terms, Optical design consulting delivers an entire variety of optical design services. Our staff has well-trained experience in optical design and defining, optical software development, source option, and material features. They are trained lighting manufacturers all over the world, educating them lighting primary, optical modelling and optical design methods.

Optics design is the method of designing a lens to fulfil a set of project performance needs and constraints, which consists cost and fabrication limitations.

Design parameters consists of surface profile kind (spherical) as well as the diameter of curvature, distance to the target surface, material kind and preferably tilt and decanter.

Usually, the method is calculating intensive, taking help of ray tracing or other method to model how the lens relates light that go through it.

Generally, adjust with recognized own optical designers from around the world. You will search them mark in our Optics Design working. Any of the identified designers is ready to work marks printing abilities to assure our users can fully advantage the flexible and budget-friendly optical 3D printing process delivers.

Optical Design required? Appoint our Expertise!

Once you unable the lead to lay your LED optics in-home, or simply lack time or have a less or resources, please feel free to contact any of the designers primarily, or know the introduction.

The main aim has always been on delivering our printing services for best prototyping of Custom Optics. Optics design services, as usually need by our users, are channelized via our Optics Design company to assure a ‘one-stop-shopping’ chance for users require of custom parts. The Optical design features a choice of best and highly skilled design experts from around the world to enable support. Any of them skilled and trained by us to design finalize to our optical 3D printing guidelines.



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