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Source's Link :- http://facebookhitlist.com/profiles/blogs/why-to-opt-for-body-mists-over-perfumes-and-how-to-use-them

Almost all of us (especially women) love perfumes as they help to get rid of annoying body odors. An enchanting aroma coming from your body will definitely have a positive impact on surrounding people. However, not everyone loves strong fragrances and that’s why many people avoid using body perfumes. For such people, using a Shimmer Body Mist in Saudi Arabia can be a great alternative. This is because body mists contain a lower percentage of fragrance oils than compared to regular body perfumes and that’s the reason why spray mists are known as a milder version of body perfumes.

Now the question is why to choose a mist spray when you can go for traditional perfumes. Basically, there are three main reasons to use a Shimmer Body Mist in Saudi Arabia. Continue reading the following information to explore why many people prefer body mists over regular perfumes.

  • It is the best choice for those who want to smell good, but don’t want an intensively strong aroma. Lower percentages of fragrance oils provide a light and pleasant fragrance.
  • You may use it after the shower for a refreshing experience, even if you aren’t going anywhere.
  • There are many people who are allergic to strong and aggressive smells, and a body mist is definitely the best choice for those. Yes, it can’t be a complete replacement to body perfumes, however, it is still very effective.

Let’s now explore how to use a body spray mist for the most satisfying results:

  • Since quality spray mists don’t have any harmful chemicals, they can be sprayed directly to the skin. This will help to maintain a stable aroma for a longer period so that you don’t need to spray it again and again.
  • If you apply spray mist after taking a bath, then let your skin dry before applying it. This is because the fragrance doesn’t last for too long when spray on damp skin.
  • For the most satisfying results, spray the body mist after applying moisturizer. Again, it is only to improve the stability of the aroma.
  • Since they have a very low percentage of fragrance oils, you’ll definitely need to spray it more than once. On this note, if you’re planning to spend the entire day away from home, then you need a perfume.


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