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Why Wear Ammonite fossil jewelry Good? Know the Reason

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Ammonite comes in all naturally occurring colors and is the generic name for the Ammonoidea, an extinct group of marine cephalopods.


The name Ammonite Fossil comes from the Greek god of ram's horns, Amun. Ammonites are the maost famous fossils and are found in marine rocks.

Ammonites usually occur coiled. The extinction of the ammonites coincided with the extinction of the dinosaurs. Ammonites are found on every continent.

They are mostly collected in Nepal, from the bed of the Gandak River, where it cuts through Jurassic sediments.

Many people believe that ammonite has the energy to bring happiness, good health, wealth and success.

Although some people call them nautilus fossils, the ammonite is more closely related to modern squids.

This creature is brown, the usual shade of ammonites.

At Jurassic Jwellery we have the best quality Ammonite Fossil Jewelry at the best prices.

Here you can buy a wide range of Ammonite Fossil jewelry easily and at an affordable price. So visit our website and place your order today.

Why Wear Ammonite fossil jewelry Good?


Ammonite fossil jewelry is a type of jewelry that contains the remains of extinct ammonites that lived millions of years ago.

Ammonites were cephalopods, similar to modern squids or nautilus, and had a characteristic spiral shape.

Ammonite fossils are prized for the very complex and beautiful patterns preserved in their petrified shells. These structures often have a series of chambers separated by complex walls called partitions.

The chambers are usually filled with minerals such as calcite or pyrite, which can create vibrant colors and colorful effects.

Fossil jewelry made from ammonite can come in many forms, including jewelry, earrings, bracelets, and rings. Ammonite fossils are often cut and polished by jewelers to bring out their unique patterns and colors.

Fossils are usually set in metal settings or have added designs that complement their natural beauty. Wearing ammonite fossil jewelry is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also a way to connect with Earth's ancient history.

These fossils provide a tangible link to the past and can serve as talking points for paleontology and natural history enthusiasts or unique fashion accessories.

What are the Advantages to wear Ammonite fossils Jwellery?


It is important to remember that these beliefs are based on metaphysical and spiritual interpretations rather than scientific evidence.

The benefits of wearing Ammonite Fossil jewelry can vary from person to person, and individual beliefs and experiences will play an important role in the effects you see.

Although fossil jewelry made from ammonite serves primarily as an aesthetic accessory, some people believe that these fossils have metaphysical or healing properties.

It is important to note that these beliefs are not scientifically proven and should be approached with an open mind. Here are some of the claimed benefits associated with ammonite fossil jewelry:

  • Grounding and Stability

Ammonite fossils are believed to carry Earth energy, promoting a sense of grounding and stability.

Wearing ammonite jewelry can help people feel better in the present and enhance their sense of balance and security. 

  • Protection

Ammonites are sometimes associated with protective energy.

It is believed that wearing ammonite fossil jewelry can create an energetic shield around the wearer and ward off negative energies or influences.

  • Change and Growth

The spiral shape of ammonites is often considered a symbol of constant growth and development.

Some people believe that wearing Ammonite Fossil jewelry can support personal transformation, helping people navigate life changes and embrace new beginnings.

  • Strengthening Energy

Ammonite fossils are believed to strengthen and increase energy both in the body and in the surrounding environment. It is believed to promote vitality, creativity and positive energy flow. 

  • Spiritual Connection

Ammonite Fossil has a long history and is often associated with ancient wisdom.

Wearing ammonite jewelry is sometimes believed to facilitate spiritual exploration, meditation, and a deeper connection with one's inner self or higher realms.

Why Only Jurassic Jwellery?


Jurassic Jewelery is owned by Ian Barrett. Long fascinated by the beauty of nature and the secrets of the past, he decided to turn his love for nature into a business and create beautiful and valuable jewels.

Jurassic Jewelery offers you exquisite handcrafted items designed and crafted from a range of rarest materials from around the world and beyond.

Each piece of jewelery is expertly handcrafted by Ian Barrett who has over fifteen years of experience with the skills and knowledge to create the perfect piece of jewellery.

Why Wear Ammonite fossil jewelry Good? Know the Reason