1. Health

Why You Must Visit Arlington STD Clinic for Syphilis and HIV Tests

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Sexually transmitted diseases are like any other disease. They need timely test and treatment. They may or may not show symptoms. If left untreated, they advanced to later stages and create health complications. Some pathogens causing STDs spread to other vital organs and may even lead to death.

So, if STDs are like other diseases, why do we shy to talk about them?

Do we feel shy to talk about heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, respiratory disease, stomach troubles, body pains, and other such conditions? No!

In Arlington, syphilis and HIV tests are easily available at your nearest STD clinic. Yet, doctors need to coax people to visit the clinic and undergo a test.

Many people are unware of STDs, but many more are aware of them. They also know the hazards of not testing and treating the diseases on time. Yet, they are hesitant to talk about them with a doctor. Even if they believe they are exposed (to an infection), they stay mum, silently wishing the infection to go away. 

But it doesn’t work that way.

Many STD-causing viruses and bacteria stay inside the body for years together. It’s like walking around carrying pathogens! If you don’t take sexually transmitted infections seriously, things may become worse on the health front eventually.

For example, untreated syphilis can cause brain damage, blindness, nerve damage, and other such catastrophic complications later in life. Syphilis blood test in Arlington, VA, is available at an affordable rate and all days of the week at the STD clinic located near you. It takes just 10 minutes of your time to save your life.

Please take STDs seriously.

People fail to realize the seriousness of STDs perhaps due to the fact that most STDs show no symptoms at first or show mild symptoms. These usually go away by themselves. Then, the person feels fine for many years. And this is what makes people believe they are actually healthy, when the truth is, the virus or bacterium has made itself comfortable in your body.  Sooner or later, it would strike again.

A stitch in time saves nine.

This famous adage aptly applies in case of STDs. A test in time can save you from a lot of medical trouble. In fact, it can save your life! 

When it comes to STDs, think not what the world will say.

If you believe you are exposed, think not about what people would think about you. Think not about the social stigma attached with STDs. Think only about yourselves, your partner, and your future baby. An infected husband can easily spread the infection to his wife and vice versa.

An infected wife can easily transmit the infection to her baby when she becomes pregnant. The infection may spread in the womb itself when the fetus is developing, or during vaginal delivery when the baby passes through the birth canal.

STD clinic in Arlington offers syphilis and HIV tests, plus a series of other STD tests. You can keep your identity confidential while testing and billing.



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