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Why You Need to Get Overnight Diapers for Your Baby

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Changing dirty diapers is perhaps one of the worst things to do for new parents. And when that changing session occurs at 2:00 in the night, can you possibly imagine anything more tormenting? Thankfully, overnight diapers are here to rescue you. But they are so much more than just your hero. They are something that saves your baby from sleepless, wet and discomforting nights. So, let’s learn about these diapers today.

What are Overnight Diapers

Overnight diapers are like regular diapers but with much more capacity to hold liquid than regular ones. Their design is such that they can absorb around 20 to 25 percent more moisture and keep your baby dry for much longer, up to 12 hours. They tend to be a bit bulkier than their counterparts which are used in the daytime. But thankfully now, these extra absorb diaper come with innovative designs like dryness layers or ultra-thin cores which make them look, fit and feel just like an average diaper.

What is the Need for Overnight Diapers

It is totally up to your baby whether they need a special diaper for bedtime or not. If she can go through the night with a regular diaper, then there is no need to wake up your little one who's sleeping dry and comfy overnight. However, most babies are not able to do with a regular nappy when it comes to long stretches of sleep. So, if your baby also wets her pants despite wearing a diaper, then you need to buy diapers online specially designed to last for the whole night.

When to Start Using Overnight Diapers

This is again something that depends on your baby. However, as a general observation, the need for overnight diapers usually arises at around the age of six months. This is because this is the age when babies begin adding solid foods to their usual breastmilk or formula which means a greater amount of food and liquid intake and therefore higher urine output too.

Is it Worth Getting an Overnight Diaper

If you find that your baby constantly wakes up with a soaked diaper and clothing, then it is definitely worth getting overnight disposable diapers for her. They will help to keep her dry and comfortable, letting her sleep peacefully all night. Just remember that overnight diapers are a little costlier than an average diaper. However, some diaper brands also offer wipes. So, you can take advantage of offers like little baby wipes price at just what you pay for the diapers. This will practically cut off some costs for you.

How to Choose Overnight Diapers

When picking out any kind of stuff for your baby, it becomes vital to look at every aspect of the product to ensure it suits your baby well. The same goes for diapers. Hence, if you want to buy the best overnight diapers for your baby, you need to keep a few things in mind.

Don’t Stock Up Before Trying

It is extremely important to find the best disposable overnight nappy for your baby. Even if you have done your homework, you will still find your ideal bet only with some trial and error. Different brands fit differently on babies and one which works for another baby may not work for your baby. Thus, it is better to try out a diaper from a small pack than diving in to buy a huge one.

Girls vs. Boys

Don’t get us wrong. We are not trying to rev up a debate on genders. But you do need to consider it because you are on the hunt for the best-fitting diaper for overnight use. Remember that boys pee differently than girls, meaning the wetness pattern on the diapers is different. So, experiment with a few to see which is the most suitable for your baby.

Don’t Hesitate to Size Up

Many parents choose to use bigger sizes of overnight diapers for their babies. They tend to provide an extra boost in absorbency capacity which ensures maximum dryness for a longer period. Of course, if you do get bigger ones, you also need to make sure that they fit around your baby’s waist and legs securely to avoid leakage.

Add a Diaper Pad

Sometimes, even if you have used an overnight diaper for your child, leakages can still occur. This is especially the case when your baby is at that age where although they have begun to have solid foods, also drink enough breastmilk or formula, resulting in a higher volume of liquid intake.

You can find many different brands offering diapers for nighttime use. If your baby (and you) is suffering from sleepless nights due to wet diapers, then you should definitely get overnight diapers for her.


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