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Witch Way to Mintwood by Addison Creek – #review #giveaway

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House falling down? Check. Pet sitting job with annoying clients? Check. Ability to speak to ghosts, which has the unfortunate side effect of having to listen to what they say back? Double check! Hot high school crush still in town being all successful and stuff while you protest his building projects? All kinds of checks! Did anyone say Witch of Mintwood? Yup! Just add murder and this will be a week to remember!
Books in this series:

Most cozy mysteries have the heroine (nearly all are female); many cozies have the heroine realizing a life-long entrepreneurial passion; a few cozies have reluctant MC's returning to a family business they fled to ‘find themselves'.  Such is the case in Witch Way to Mintwood.  (On an interesting but not-really-related note, this was the first book I had read before it came up for a tour!)
The current (and newest) Witch of Mintwood had taken the job over when her grandmother had passed away, suddenly and somewhat suspiciously.  She was learning the ropes and trying not to compare her skills to that of her grandmother … and wishing the townfolk would stop as well.
And she's not the only one who has returned.  Her highschool crush has returned.  And she is once again at odds with her high school rival, and all around mean girl.  That Gracie Coswell was and is a real piece of work.  Gracie made going after the crush her new pet project (as in thorn in the witch's side).  And she plays DIRTY – in great big letters with a brown and muddy-drippy letters
Gracie winds up getting the witch in trouble with many of the other supernatural and/or non-human denizens of Mintwood, adding more to her enjoyment of the situation and the witch's dismay.  Most of these other species go back and forth on whether or not they like/support the witch, who apparently acts as a sort of local LEO – hence she is called in when a dead body is discovered in a local hotel.  The descriptions of the zombie bartender were hilarious!
I got very definite visuals of the characters and settings while reading, which is something that adds to my reading enjoyment immensely.  The character of the witch grows over the course of the novel, becoming more competant and confident as time goes on.  
And just when you think things are resolved, gift-wrapped with a nice big bow, there is one last switcheroo that changes the situation entirely.  So it's very good this is a series.  Will she get the guy?  Or will Gracie win?  Only the author (well, and other people who have read the whole series may) know(s) for sure.  But one day I will know too, because I just added at least seven more books (all with the word witch on the cover, not-so-concidentally) to my TBR.

Reading, writing, dark chocolate, and cheese.

 Hello! I’m the author of the Witch Way to Mintwood series and the Spooky Business series! I live in New England and love it. I survive the winter by layering, good-natured complaining, and more layering. In case you were wondering. Hearing from readers is always lovely, so come visit me here me on my blog or Facebook. 


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(Disclosure:  I received this book through the BookBub free-and-low-cost ebook daily newsletter in May of 2017.  There was no obligation to do a review, and the opinions are my own.)


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