Women's Programs Association(WPA)

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Women’s Programs Association (WPA) is a non-profit non-governmental organization (NGO), legally registered with the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities since 2008.

The origin of WPA, go back to 1953, when United Nations Relief and Work Agency in the Near east (UNRWA) set up a tailoring activity for women in Palestinian camps in Lebanon.

WPA operates in eight camps throughout Lebanon and has a team of over 100 of project and fixed term staff. Our beneficiaries in 2020 reached around 16,000 individuals and families.  

Some Of WPA Events and activities is: Soufra

With the help of our Women’s Programs Association (WPA) partners in Lebanon. WPA Launches a food service company providing delicious Lebanese and Palestinian cuisine.

Soufra project was a great inspiration and a life changer, not only for the women across WPA for many women across the world.


Features Of Mariam Shaar In Person:

Women’s Program Association director Mariam Shaar is a second generation Palestinian refugee who understands first-hand the plight of thousands of refugees trying to build their lives in Lebanon. Through WPA, she works to empower girls and women in the camps to help in the development of their communities and improve conditions across the country. “We can do anything,” Mariam says: “We just need the chance. We need a push”.

Mariam Al Shaar

Rooftop Garden:

Many residents of the Lebanese capital Beirut and its outskirts have turned their balconies and rooftops into small-scale farms of organic vegetables amid a worsening economic crisis and hikes in food staples.

How Rooftop Garden Started


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