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Every serious Warcraft game has heard about World of Warcraft Golden Cap all the time. Many players claim to have reached this intangible number. But because TBC's gold cultivation technique is not good. Therefore, it is difficult to believe that anyone can actually accumulate a large amount of gold. Claim and offer proof in the form of screenshots and videos of your accomplishments.

Is it true? Is it possible to earn so much gold that I cannot accumulate more? Is World of Warcraft Golden Hat a scam? The bottom WOW gold line is that it exists. But can ordinary gamers do it? Someone who doesn't play 60 hours a week?

What it takes to get World of Warcraft Golden Cap

for multiplayer The gold limit is a big problem. This was a step towards aristocratic status, however, because they didn't know how to make gold efficiently. Only a handful of them made it possible. The biggest problem is the dependence on agriculture for gold production. It was a big mistake. Here's why:

If you can maintain a training rate of 750 gold per hour. It will take less than 300 hours of training to reach the gold limit.

That was a tiring step. More realistic numbers are 200 to 400 gold per hour. And that puts the cap on at 800 to 900 hours, not to mention the fact that you can't use gold in the meantime.

Strategies to Reach Gold Limits of World of Warcraft

Therefore, agriculture is not an option. How can you reach the limit? The answer is the WoW auction house. It's important to learn how to collect and interpret data from the auction house. You have to be proficient in moving items between the auction house, the server, and the parties that do these things. You can push items between characters in a way that will help you make a profit on each transaction. Income is better if you just farm and do missions.


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