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Stating that aesthetic concerns, the desire to look beautiful, the desire to hide the signs of aging and look younger continue to increase with each passing day, Dermatology Specialist, “However, there are such factors that cause wrinkles on the skin that it is necessary to pay attention to them.” Said.

Dermatic Polyclinic Dermatology Specialist stated that aging results from molecular changes and said, “Many environmental factors have been identified that lead to these molecular changes. Metabolites and hormone levels of substances taken by mouth or air affect skin aging. Ultraviolet, air pollution, infections, smoking, and some hormonal factors are the most critical factors that accelerate the aging process. Gravity also affects the formation of wrinkles. There are two types of human face, dynamic and static type. Wrinkles occur. Dr Ali Md-Health and Wellness holistic Medicine Center provide the best Skin Wrinkles treatment.

The cause of dynamic wrinkles; is the movements of the mimic muscles under the skin. This is how vertical lines between the two eyebrows, crow's feet, and some of the wrinkles extending from the nose wings to the rim of the mouth occur. Static wrinkles are; aging due to the adverse effects of gravity and sun rays. Like forehead lines.” he spoke.

Dermatology Specialists stated that bad habits are effective in the formation of wrinkles and listed bad habits as follows;

sleeping with makeup

Makeup should not stay on the face for a long time. Makeup should not be applied repeatedly and excessively during the day. The look must be cleaned, especially before going to bed. It causes acne breakouts, ages your skin quickly, and irritates the eyes.

Moisturizer should be applied to the cleaned skin. At makeup time, the skin should be cleaned first, then a moisturizer should be used, and the skin should absorb the moisturizer, and then the process should be started.

Excess sugar

Sugar is a food that is among the enemies of the skin. For the skin to be brighter and healthier, care must be taken to keep the amount of sugar in the blood under constant control. While sugar weakens the immune system, it can suppress the production of antibodies that fight bacteria. A weakened immune system can lead to spots, acne, and acne on the skin. Again, sugary drinks can cause the skin to dry out.

For this reason, it will be the right choice to meet the liquid needs of the skin with water. In other words, many types of sugar and confectionery that we call simple sugar are the enemy of our skin and our body. In particular, it can cause wrinkles by damaging elastin and collagen fibers on the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to remove sugar from our lives for healthy skin thoroughly.


It has been determined that smokers have twice as many wrinkles as non-smokers. The changes made by cigarettes on the skin are not related to sunlight, age, and weight changes; It is only associated with the duration and amount of smoking. Continuous smoking has adverse effects on the elastin fibers that provide the elasticity and quality of the skin. The skin under the influence of tobacco becomes like a rubber that has lost its elasticity over time. As a result, wrinkles become easier. It has been reported that it has a more significant effect on skin aging than

repetitive facial movements

Avoid repetitive facial movements because such movements cause the facial muscles to work hard. As a result, people who smile, frown, and be surprised often have wrinkles earlier. To prevent this, the person needs to be more expressionless. When these facial expressions are made when our skin is elastic, wrinkles are formed and become old. However, as we get older, our less flexible skin is formed. Unfortunately, the resulting wrinkles do not return to their former state, forming permanent wrinkles.

not using sunscreen

The UVA rays (the ones that cause wrinkles) emitted by the sun are equally strong all year round. You may not see it with your eyes, but skin exposed to UVB and UVA rays can face serious problems such as age spots, wrinkles, or, in the worst case, skin cancer. That's why you should apply sunscreen cream suitable for your skin type on your face and hands, even in winter.

Sleeping position

Many people ignore it, but sleeping face down is one of the causes of facial wrinkles. This position causes prominent wrinkles on the front, especially in the décolleté area. Although it is difficult to maintain this position at night, be careful not to fall asleep on your stomach. It is seen that people who do not have the habit of sleeping on their faces have fewer wrinkles. Therefore, it is helpful to get used to sleeping on their back.

Aging begins between the ages.

Of 25-30, and aging begins between 25-30. It is helpful to choose a moisturizer suitable for your skin type from this age on. The skinny neck skin wrinkles quickly. Therefore, the moisturizing cream applied to the face should be applied to the neck with gentle touches. You should use your moisturizer for the eye area by gently feeding it with your fingertips. Dr Ali Md-Health and Wellness holistic Medicine Center provide the best Skin Wrinkles treatment.


Unhealthy and malnutrition affects the whole body negatively and causes rapid aging of the skin. One-way nutrition is very wrong, and you should get enough of all the vitamins you need. Therefore, it is beneficial to have a balanced and healthy diet. Pay attention to the weight of fibrous foods on your table. Make sure to reduce sugar and salt. Consume vegetables and fruits frequently. I prefer vitamins A, E, and C often. Vitamin A regulates cellular activity, prevents excessive skin thickening, and prevents pigmentation. Also, these vitamins fight skin aging. Be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Beware of the steam bath.

When it comes to skincare and cleaning, the first thing that comes to mind is washing the face and applying a steam bath. However, the steam bath overheats at the beginning; therefore, the acid and water balance of the skin is disturbed. This situation paves the way for skin eczema. It is not right to use