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A family dentist can be your trusted confidante when it comes to keeping up with good oral hygiene. Investing in preventive practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, is the key for preserving healthy teeth and preventing issues like gum disease or tooth decay down the road.

A family dentist's tips for oral hygiene

1. Spend at least two minutes on each brushing session

Brushing your teeth is not only an important part of maintaining a healthy smile, it also requires dedication. Roswell dentist recommends brushing at least twice daily to remove harmful plaque and bacteria that accumulate throughout the day. To effectively clean off these microbes properly, be sure to brush for two minutes – this allows fluoride toothpaste enough time to seep into the surfaces of our pearly whites and remineralize them against decay!

2. Brush at least two times daily

Proper oral hygiene requires more than brushing just once a day. In order to effectively eliminate bacteria and plaque, dentists recommend twice-daily teeth cleaning – in the morning and before bedtime. The latter is especially important, as saliva production slows during sleep which reduces its naturally cleansing properties that help wash away built up toxins on tooth surfaces throughout the day.

3. Flossing is not optional

Good oral hygiene is an important part of overall health and wellbeing, and flossing daily should be a priority for anyone looking to achieve the best results. Not only does it help remove plaque build-up in those hard-to-reach places between teeth, but also can make all the difference when it comes to preventing decay – even if you brush regularly!

4. Fluoride is essential

Keep your teeth healthy and strong with fluoride! Fluoride works by forming a protective coating on the enamel of our teeth, shielding it from decay-causing bacteria. So don't fall for untruths out there – fluoride is great for keeping up good oral health.

5. Be careful with sugar

On days when you need a pick-me-up, temptations like sugary treats can be hard to resist. But while these snacks might help boost your spirits in the short term, they could do lasting damage to teeth due their acidic nature and ability of oral bacteria to thrive on sugar. Even “healthier” foods that contain low amounts of sugars – such as grains like rice – pose dental risks thanks to how easy it is for them break down into simple starches which promote tooth decay over time.

6. Keep your tongue clean

Brushing your teeth isn't the only way to maintain good oral hygiene. The tongue is a breeding ground for bacteria and should be cleaned twice daily with gentle scraping motions, as whitish discoloration on the tongue can often signify unhealthy bacterial buildup.